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They both walked to the store. Jungkook and Taehyung talked the whole way and stole glances at each other.

"You're an idiot."
      "He's looking at you because you're ugly."



Jungkooks eye twitched again.
"Just shut the fuck up. God dammit."
Jungkook though.


The little bell rang as they both walked into the store, Jungkook followed Taehyung, since Taehyung must come here often. Taehyung hurried trying to find the ramen, somehow not being able to find it.

    "Dumb whore."
"You're probably annoying him"
           "You should kill yourself."
"Slit your wrist."
       "Just kill yourself."

Junkooks head fell back
"Just shut up" jungkook lowly whispered trying not to let Taehyung hear.

"Fucking die."
     "Your brother hated you."
"You should kill yourself."
             "Kill yourself!"
The voices kept getting louder. Jungkook tugged on his hair trying to shut them up, but they kept getting louder. "Stop. Stop. Stop.."

"Kill yourself!"
"Kill yourself!"
"Kill yourself!"

"SHUT UP!" Jungkook bit his lip almost making it bleed. He tried not to yell he didn't want to scare Taehyung.

"Found it!" Taehyung smiled
Jungkook let go of his hair, and tried to act normal.
"Oh nice" Jungkook smiled

Taehyung put his ramen and some other things he was going to buy on the counter, he searched for his money.
Jungkook looked at the cashier and looked down not really wanting to have a conversation.
"He hates you too."

"He thinks you're useless."

"He wants you to die."

"Your face pisses him off. Trash."

Jungkook dug his nails into his palm, resisting the urge to scream, or break something.

They both walked out of the store, the sound of the bell behind them.
"So jungkookie, you going home?"
Taehyung asked sadly not wanting to leave his new friend.

"I...I don't really have a home." Jungkook replied.
Images of what he did to his parents came to his head, leaving a smirk on his face.

"Oh. Well you can stay with me for the night. I don't mind." Taehyung smiled

"What a cute human being.." jungkook thought

"Thank you..."

"No problem" Taehyung said, not being able to wait for their "sleepover"


Taehyung opened the door to his house. "I'm sorry if it looks messy..I don't really have people over."

Jungkook looked around,
"it's not even messy." Jungkook laughed.

Taehyung ignored his comment,
"I'll give you some clothes, and you can shower if you want."

"Whatever you want." Jungkook looked around admiring the decorations, and the pleasing way, the furniture was.

Taehyung walked upstairs grabbing a white shirt and some sweatpants for jungkook.

"You're annoying him"
"He doesn't want you here."
"Rude bitch."
"Are you going to kill him too."

"Shut the fuck up." Jungkook lowly said "you've been bothering me all fucking day. Just. Shut the fuck up."
He whispered.

"Here you go." Taehyung said happily
"Thanks" Jungkook said returning the smile and grabbing the clothes.

"You can go shower and I'll make us both ramen" Taehyung smiled grabbing the plastic bag grabbing the two cups of ramen, putting the rest away in a cabinet.

"Alright.." Jungkook walked upstairs not really knowing where he was going.

He opened a door guessing that was the bathroom, to his surprise it was.

He turned on the water, making it warm.
Jungkook stripped and noticed a little blood on his shoes. "Fuck it."
He got into the shower feeling the warm water his his skin.
"Kill yourself."
"Kill yourself!""Kill yourself!""Kill yourself!"
Jungkook bit his lip, changing the water to cold.

The cold water hit his shoulders and back not making him flinch or move.
He rolled his head back.
"Just fuck off." He said lowly.

Jungkook washed his hair and his body, then turned off the water.
"Oh shit I don't have a towel..." Jungkook looked all over the bathroom,
"I don't want to wet his shirt."
He thought for a while.
"He won't mind will he?"

Jungkook put on the sweatpants, since they wouldn't stick to his skin making him uncomfortable. He grabbed the shirt, and walked downstairs.

Taehyung was in the couch watching something on Netflix eating his ramen, he heard steps come down the stairs, he looked at the tv and then at jungkook "kookie your ramens on the tab-" he looked at jungkooks chest and callorbones.

Taehyung gulped at the sight. Jungkooks small waist, his nice abs, his shoulders, water from his hair dropping onto his slightly tanned skin.

"I hope you don't mind, I didn't want to get your shirt wet." Jungkook smirked at Taehyungs reaction.

"I-it's fine." Taehyung blushed, looking back at the TV. "Fuck." He whispered.

Jungkook grabbed the ramen on the table and sat next to Taehyung.

Taehyung gulped, and out his ramen down,
"you done eating?" Jungkook asked putting his ramen down.

"Y-yeah are you?" Taehyung really Didn't want to make eye contact.

Jungkook got close to Taehyungs ear, "I kinda want dessert instead."
Jungkook said as he licked the others earlobe,
Taehyung gulped, "I-I.."
Taehyungs face was strawberry red.

Jungkook pulled the other onto his lap, Taehyung squeaking at Jungkooks sudden action.

Jungkook licked the males jawline down to his neck, smelling Taehyung neck. Strawberries and vanilla...
The smell intoxicated Jungkook, he could almost get addicted to it.


Psychopath//taekook,kooktaeWhere stories live. Discover now