Part two

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Jungkook could feel something warm and soft against his cheek. He felt like he was slowly being rocked. His eyes fluttered open and he lifted his heavy head. He was on someone's back, walking close to his apartment block. The person was staggering, slowly taking steps. His eyes focused and he was looking at the back of Taehyung's head.

"What..happened?" Jungkook asked. Tae's head turned when he heard the younger speak.

"You passed out." His breathing was heavy and Jungkook could feel his skin was wet with sweat where his linked hands touched his neck.

"Let me down," Jungkook could clearly see his hyung was struggling, he must have been heavy.

"N-no. I need to make sure you get home safe. We're almost there...." Tae gasped. "I don't have enough energy..." Taehyung stumbled and Jungkook squirmed, breaking free and putting Taehyung's arm over his shoulder. His eyes fluttered shut as he struggled to stay conscious but leaned heavily on Jungkook.

Jungkook wrapped his other arm around Taehyung's waist and half dragged him towards the door of their apartment block. Luckily the lift had been fixed so he didn't have to worry about stairs. He fumbled for his keys and they both fell through the door. Not even bothering to take his shoes off, Jungkook dragged Taehyung into the living room and laid him on the sofa, collapsing on the floor from exhaustion after.

He kicked his boots off and pulled off his jacket, panting. He slowly turned to look at the older. He got up on his knees and leaned over slightly. Taehyung's wavy hair was stuck to his forehead from the sweat, his red silk shirt also stuck to his chest which was rising and falling slowly. Jungkook admired Tae's face, his high cheekbones, strong jawline and soft lips made Jungkook weak.

But now, Jungkook could see the fangs pushed against Tae's bottom lip as his mouth hung slightly open. Curiosity had the better of him as he gently pushed the bottom lip down to have a closer look. He was shaking slightly, nervous at not only being this close to Taehyung but also at what he had now discovered. He slipped and accidentally touched the tip of the fang, cutting his finger. Tae's eyes snapped open, glowing ice blue and Jungkook sprang back.

"You cut yourself..." Tae winced, clutching his shoulder as he sat up. He went to stand but his legs gave out under him and he slumped to the floor. "I need to leave.." He panted.

"No," Jungkook said crawling over to him. "You're hurt, hyung." Jungkook lifted Tae onto the chair in the kitchen pulled his coat off him. The left shoulder of his shirt was soaked dark red.

"Leave me." Taehyung growled. His glowing blue eyes stared painfully at Jungkook. "I'm not worth it..." Jungkook grabbed a first aid kit out of the drawer.

"You saved me." He knelt down in front of Tae and looked at him stubbornly. He took Tae's hand from his shoulder.

"I'm a monster." Tae snapped back, the glow in his eyes pulsing. Jungkook took his hyung's hand in his. Jungkook was nervous again from touching him. He gently wiped the blood from Tae's palm, Kookie's fingers stroking Tae's longer ones. He dropped the tissue once his hand was clean and leant up, unbuttoning the silk shirt. Jungkook struggled to control his breathing so he had to distract himself.

"You're Taehyung." He said, keeping his voice steady. his knuckles brushed Tae's hot skin, sending electric shocks up his arm. "The first time we met, I walked into you and dropped boxes everywhere. I was moving in. You didn't shout at me, you put on that cute smile of yours, made me feel welcome and helped me move in." Jungkook smiled faintly remembering that day.

"You've stayed up all night with me, helping me study or playing games. There was that one time you looked after me when I had a fever..." Jungkook blushed as he remembered Tae barging in whilst he was in bed with soup and tea. He had just let himself in and used the kitchen. "You helped me find the most perfect gifts for my girlfriend..." Jungkook lowered his eyes sadly and pushed the fabric off Tae's unhurt shoulder, trailing his hand over his shoulder muscle slowly, taking in every detail. He ran his hand back down his arm and pulled his hand out of the sleeve. Slowly, he lifted the shirt off his wound, the blood had gone all sticky and made Tae hiss between his teeth when it was pulled free.

Jungkook took a deep breath as he continued. "You were there for me when she ended it. I was so broken I couldn't look after myself. I remember that night I was just stood outside my door. I wasn't moving and you were really scared. You brought me in and you just let me cry. You stayed with me for days, making sure I was eating and sleeping," He blushed because he remembered waking up one morning and Tae was lying next to him. He was on top of the covers with an arm draped over Jungkook's waist. He'd laid there for hours, just watching him with a tight feeling in his chest.

Kookie dabbed the deep wound which was still bleeding. Tae was pale as he listened to Kookie speak. He didn't wince when the cleaning spirit was burning him. His fists were balled tightly, knuckles shining white. He held his breath, not wanting to miss a word Kookie was saying. He stood and ripped open a bandage, pressing it down on the wound, trying to stop the blood flow. He stood there for a few minutes, hand feeling the firm muscles of Tae's shoulder. He'd never had the chance to notice before how toned the older was. It made Jungkook shiver. Tae leaned his head forward and rested it on Jungkook's lower chest. His arm snaking round his waist and holding him close.

"So you're telling me it doesn't matter?" Tae said into Jungkook's stomach. He'd never felt like this with anyone before, never mind a human. He kept it hidden for so long because from the moment he laid eyes on him, Tae was in love. "You don't care that I could hurt you or that I'm not human? You don't care I just killed someone?" Tae said through gritted teeth. He could smell Jungkook's fear from his apartment and thought his heart would stop. He was so glad he had Kookie's scent memorised like it was part of him, he was able to get to him in time. "I don't know what I would have done if I were too late..."

"But you weren't!" He pulled off the bandage, frowning and the bleeding wasn't stopping. He placed his hand on Tae's head. "It doesn't matter if you're a vampire. Because what you truly are, is the most important person in the world to me." Jungkook was surprised at how confident he had said that. His heart was going a million beats a second. He lowered his hand and stroked Taehyung's cheek.

Tae was stunned. He felt like his heart would burst and he put on a lazy smile because of how little energy he had. "I can hear your heart race you know." He turned his face as Jungkook blushed deeply and kissed his palm. " You are to me, too." He sighed, his eyelids feeling heavy.

"Your shoulder won't stop bleeding..." Jungkook said lifting the bandage off and getting another.

"I haven't eaten in a I'm not healing properly" Tae murmured his head going back to leaning on Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook looked around the kitchen but then realised what Tae meant. His stomach fluttered with nerves but he bit his lip and he decided.

"Bite me"


Everyone loves fluff right?

(You love smut more)

Hope you're enjoying this!

MJ x

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