Chapter 13

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Wednesday 7 November 2012 16:00 Starbucks

I was a new person―so new that I had no idea what I looked like the day before. After my birthday transformation I was convinced I could do anything. From being the shy, unopinionated “yes” girl, I had decided to become the exact opposite. The thing was that I had no idea where to start.

            I was so stressed out about it that I went to Starbucks, a place I’d always considered to be home, because nothing bad could ever happen at Starbucks. I got in and sat down without ordering anything because I didn’t feel like it. I looked out the window knowing the woman I wanted to be but not knowing how exactly to be her. For once, I got one thing right in life, but there were still a lot of factors missing. I mean, yes, it was great that after two years of being stuck in a rut because of my dear brother’s unfortunate death I was finally using my head again. And yes, it was fantastic that I’d finally forgotten about my father’s obliviousness, brought about by my mother’s unfaithfulness, and I was finally seeing clearly again. But I still didn’t know how think of myself for once.

Then the weirdest thing happened: I got exactly what I needed when I needed it the most. And no, it wasn’t the newest pair of Louboutins, but it was quite close. My starting point, the beginning of everything, came in the form of Carl Sanford, who was probably the most attractive and most romantic person I knew at the time.

            He had neat brown hair swept to one side, striking blue eyes, and a really nice pair of shoes. Ralph Lauren, if I wasn’t mistaken. For some reason, he thought that I would’ve liked a drink, and so he brought one over to me.

            “Tall half-caf three pumps vanilla three pumps hazelnut extra hot skinny no whip with cinnamon sprinkles latte, and my name’s Carl Sanford,” he said to me, setting the drink down and sitting on the chair across mine.

            “Sorry, I don’t take things from strangers,” I said, avoiding his gaze. He stayed there, just looking at me, and that made me realize something. This was it. This was what I needed. This was how I was going to turn into the woman I want to be. So I got up, took the drink, and went to the bar counter.

            “Did the guy who just gave this to me have this poisoned?” I asked the barista.

            “No, ma’am, our drinks are always of the finest quality to fit your needs and keep you alive,” she said, sending me a small smile before softly adding, “I think he likes you.”

            I smirked, feeling my ego grow for the first time in a really long time. Then I asked the nice girl to write my name on the cup before returning to my seat and sipping from it with the side of the cup with my name on it facing Carl.

            “So, Jen, same time tomorrow?” he said.

            I nodded, not knowing that every day for the rest of my life I’d be drinking the same thing at the exact same time. Another thing I was unaware of was that twenty-seven boyfriends and twenty-seven Speeches later I’d be meeting the boyfriend, which of course was to be the most life-changing event ever.

            See? Nothing bad could ever happen at Starbucks.


A/N: Well I'm back after 8576459 years. It's Serial Dater's birthday today and to make up for the time I lost during my hiatus, I have about four surprises up my sleeve (this update's the first) so stay tuned and stay fetch.

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