Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

If Lachlan thought his week would fly by, he was wrong. It slowed down right when he noticed Preston was acting weird. Sure, there are days he's more hyper than usual or really angry for literally no reason. But that's just Preston being Preston. Lachlan has gotten pretty good at knowing when something's not right.

It first started on Monday night. Lachlan was too tired to wait for Preston to come to bed so he went to sleep without him. Around 2am Preston woke Lachlan up singing some verse from a Coldplay song. When asking for him to come to bed, Preston said, "But there's so much to do!"

And sure, that probably should've tipped him off, but he was too groggy to think about a potential mental health emergency going on two feet from him. He shrugged it off and went back to sleep.

Tuesday morning, Preston prepared Lachlan an honest to god five course breakfast. He said it was to repay him for the pancakes. Lachlan didn't bother saying he just used up all their groceries or that he could never eat all of it. He enjoyed all he could, and gave Preston one big kiss before leaving for work.


feel like going on a grocery run for me?


you're lucky I'm bored
send me the list


Preston seems to be experiencing some mania today, please check on him for me

I know the drill

Preston and Vikk ended up playing board games, though they would only get through ten minutes into a game before Preston said he was bored of it and went on to the next one. After Preston went through every game they had, he started combining them. Vikk's personal favorites were go fish & poker and clue & life.

When Wednesday rolls around and nothing seems too out of the ordinary, Lachlan relaxed. He talked to Jess briefly before heading to work. He texted Preston during his lunch break about the stupidest things. Jess insisted on making dinner and it was actually really good. When Lachlan went to bed Preston actually went with him and they cuddled. He disliked how much he really liked to cuddle. In the morning he kissed him goodbye.

Lachlan was going to get paid today and knew Preston would appreciate seeing his paycheck. He didn't want Preston to stress about it anymore.

It really worried Lachlan when he got the paycheck out of the mail and went to show Preston and he just laughed.

"Why are you laughing? I thought you wanted to see."

"Should I?"

Lachlan wasn't sure if that was a genuine question, "Are you fucking with me?"

"Oh, I sure can if you want me to."


"You were so concerned to see how much money I make and now you're not? I'm really goddamn confused."

"Don't be. I just don't care." Preston laughs like that is some hilarious joke. Lachlan was seriously considering if it was a joke.

Preston walks past him to get to the stairs as Ruby skipped into the room.

"Ready to play Candy Land? I set it up." She skips a little circle around him before coming to a stop in front of him.

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