Phone Calls and Family Time

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Chapter 14: Phone Call and Family Time


It was my first day home with my family. I didn't sleep well since it's my first day away from Edward. I really miss him. As I lay in my bed trying to wake up, I couldn't wait for his call. When I finally made it downstairs, my mom already had breakfast ready for me. So I went to sit next to my dad who was reading the Jacksonville news. But he looked up from the paper to greet me.

"What do you have planned for today?" I asked as I took a sip of my orange juice.

"Well I have to work, so your mom wants to take you along for Christmas shopping so you can have mother and daughter time. Then we are all going to the nursing home to see your grandfather," my dad answered.

"Sounds like I'll be busy no matter what."

"Why, do you have plans?" my mom asked.

"Not really."

I went back to eating. My mom wanted to take me shopping, so I let her take me shopping. After I was done with my breakfast, I helped my mom with the dishes, then I went to get a shower. After I was done, I got dressed and made my bed.

About 15 minutes later, my cell phone rang. I looked at my clock and it was 6 o'clock his time, he couldn't be calling me. I flipped my phone open and sure enough it was him.

"Hello, handsome," I answered.

"Hi, how did you know it's me?" he asked

"Well, duh, I have Caller ID on my phone, I was surprised you called me so early."

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking, and I couldn't sleep well."

"Me neither, it was hard since we're thousands of miles apart."

"Don't worry, we will be together sooner than you think!"

"Yeah, it will be fast."

"What do you have planned for today?"

"Family time."

"Me too, my brother wants to meet you!"

"Sorry, but I can't go to Chicago."

"Yeah, I understand."

"I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too."

"I love you, too, Edward."

"Bella, I love you so much."

"Are you going to call or text me when you're on your way to the airport?" I asked.

"Of course, Bella, I don't want to stay at the airport."

"I know, I was making sure."

We both were cracking up. I really miss him; it hurts that he's not here. We talked for a few more minutes or until my mom called for me to gather my things. Then I hung up my cell phone and went downstairs where my mom was waiting for me.

We walked to the car, then we got in, and we were off to the mall. On the way to the mall, my mom asked me all kinds of questions like how I like it there, have I met new friends, how I like the classes. She already knows about Edward. She says he seems like a nice guy.

When we arrived at the mall, my mom parked the car, then we walked to the entrance of the mall. The first shop we went into was the 21 Forever shop; I knew it was for me, or else why go in the store. As we walked into the store we ran into Becky. I never knew she worked here, we only talked for a few minutes because my mom wanted to finish shopping.

We walked around the mall and went into different stores. My mom had a good number of bags. We ate at KFC in the mall. Then we decided to go home and hide the presents and relax, until my dad came home and freshened up so we could go out for dinner and see my pops.



It was Friday in my hometown of Chicago. I had plans with my family and I planned to call Bella. I was still very tired. While my brother was downstairs watching TV, I decided to shower, then call Bella. And that's what I did. I really miss her, but I know I'll see her soon. I grabbed my iPhone and dialed her number. She answered it, and I knew she would be surprised to hear from me this early.

She did seem surprised when she heard my voice. I knew she would have plans with her family, so we talked for quite a while before her mom called. I told Bella that my brother wanted to meet her, but she told me that she couldn't come up to Chicago and I understood.

After I hung up the phone with her, I headed downstairs to see my brother, Embry, sitting at the table eating. Since my father and mother were working, Embry and I were going to do the guy bonding thing until my parents came home so we could go out for dinner.

We played football, talked about Bella, and how we met, etc. I had a nice time with my brother. He asked me if he would ever be able to meet Bella and I told him it would eventually happen.

He told me that he met someone too and that her name was Lauren. I was happy for him, but I really missed Bella and wished she were here with me. We played video games. He also told me that he will visit for a week during the summer.

Around 5:45, our parents came home. They went to take a shower and get dressed, then we all piled into my dad's Jeep and we were off to the restaurant for dinner.

When we arrived, my dad parked the Jeep then we walked into the restaurant. We waited to be seated until we were taken to our table. A little bit later our waitress came to take our drink order. Then she returned with our drinks and we ordered our meals.

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