Back In Jacksonville

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Chapter 13: Back in Jacksonville

I was sleeping when the airline attendant tapped me on my shoulder. I looked up at her. I knew we were landing, but it was their job to warn us that we were about to land.

"Miss, we will be landing shortly."

"Thanks for the warning."

She walked away from me. I wiped my eyes and stretched. Thank goodness I was in Florida. As we came to land, I looked at my watch; it was only 6:30. I was wondering if I could text him before I ran into my family or friends. I decided I'd better not.

When the plane finally landed, I walked off the plane and into the airport. Then I walked to the metal detector and went through the gate. As I proceeded to the lobby, sure enough, Becky and Jane were waiting for me.

I ran to hug them, then we walked to her car. On the way to my parents, I told them about Edward and how we don't have any classes together. They let me do all the talking, listening to me blab on about Edward.

"You guys will meet him; he's coming to visit a few days before Christmas."

"Cool, he sounds like a nice guy," Rebecca said.

"He did ask me if I wanted to go to Chicago for a week."

"Let me guess, you said no," Jane said.

"Yeah, you're right."

Both of the girls looked shocked that I said no, but I wanted to spend time with my parents and the two girls. Plus, he's coming to visit, so why bother going to Chicago if I don't want to?

When we arrived at my parents' house, they parked the car and we all walked to the door. I was about to open the door when my mom opened it. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. My dad was standing next to her. He gave me a hug and said, "I'm glad you were able to make it home for Christmas break."

We all walked into the house and sat in the living room and talked. Like I told the girls, I told my parents the same story about Edward. I really miss him right now. I'm sure he misses me too. A little while later, Becky and Jane left and my mom ordered pizza from Newton's Pizzeria. I even told them about the food.

They talked about everything that happened while I was gone and what they had planned while I would be here. My dad asked if I wanted to go with him to get the pizza, but I said no since I was so tired.

When my dad came back a few minutes later, I helped set the table. We spent dinner eating and talking. I had a few pieces then I went up to take a bath to relax. After my bath, I changed into my PJs and texted Edward.

Edward, I am at my parents house, I told everyone about you and how we met, I miss you, I love you so much! - Bella

I closed my phone and lay down to watch TV. When I was about to doze off, my phone was lighting up like crazy. It was a text from him.

Bells, glad you made it home to your parents. I'm on my way back to my parents now, I also miss you and love you. I'll call you tomorrow, I'm just about there now. - Edward

I hung up the phone, lay back down, and fell asleep.

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