chapter 6: Double Date

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Chapter 6, Double Date


We agreed to go out the next day since classes start in two days. The week went by fast, which was okay with me. But I do miss my free time that I had. Heidi and Chelsea went their own way. Alice already had plans with her boyfriend, Jasper; while Bree and I had a double date with Edward and his friend Tyler. It was Edward’s idea where he was taking us. I was still pissed at him for lying to me about not seeing me at the airport. I know he did apologize for lying, but I couldn't forget that.

Before we left, my mom called me to see how I was liking it here in Italy. I told her that I like it here . She said she's happy to hear that. I didn't want to make my mom cry; that's why I didn't bothering calling her till today. I was going to tell her that I think I found someone but I will wait for a later date. We only talked for a little since she didn't want her phone bill to get high. Even if we only talked twenty minutes a week, it would be okay with me. I don't want my bill to be high either.

After I hung up the phone with my mom, I went to get ready for today. I went through my clothes till I finally found something that was somewhat nice to wear. I really never thought I would be with someone who was really nice and caring as Edward was.  I went into the shower. I was so excited about today that I forgot to get a pair of socks, silly me. While Bree was going through her outfits, I was just finishing up in the shower.

As I was walking out of the bathroom, Bree came walking in, then she closed the door behind her. I walked into my room to put my shoes on, than I went downstairs to wait for Bree to get ready. We told Edward we would meet them for pizza, then we all could go together.

It was a good idea. I didn't know him well enough to just let him pick us up. I was so worried about classes that I didn't care what I did today. About thirty minutes later, Bree came downstairs. She looked nice in what she was wearing . As she waited for me at the landing, I rose from the sofa and grabbed my purse, then I walked to the door. We were soon on the way to the pizza shop. It didn't take long for us to walk there, which was good (since I knew my feet would hurt again if I walked for a long period of time).

When we arrived there Edward and his friend Tyler were waiting for us. Edward and Tyler stood up and walked over to us and showed us to our table. Edward was nice. He pulled out my chair and waited for me to sit down. Then he pushed me in and he went and sat down across from me. Bree sat next to me. While we waited for our pizza, we talked about where we were from. We also talked about our families, movies and music, stuff like that. I can't believe Bree and Tyler hit it off too. I was glad Tyler was enjoying her company; they make a good couple. She doesn't talk so much. I felt Edward's foot moving up my leg. I think he was starting to play footsie with me, so I enjoyed the fun. We both smiled at each other. That's when I finally realized I was definitely falling in love with him. I was about to forgive him for that one stupid lie.



It was Saturday and Tyler and I had a double date with Bella and her friend Bree. We were going to a pizzeria for lunch, then we were taking them to a little county fair. They didn't know about the fair. I wanted to surprise her. Jared told me about the fair. I don't know if she really wants to go but I really didn't want to go to a boring movie.

We parked the car in the pizza shop and walked into the restaurant and waited for Bella and Bree. I don't think we had too long to wait.

"Edward, do you think they will stand us up?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know man," I answered.

"Do you know if she has a boyfriend?" Tyler asked.

" I would think she would have told me," I answered.

"You don't even know her," he claimed.

"Yeah, so what?" I retorted.

A few minutes late, I heard the door open and looked up. Bella and Bree walked in. I punched him on the shoulder. He returned the hit on my back.

We both got up and walked over to them. Bella had a smile. So I returned a smile back. We showed them to our table. I was a gentleman. I pulled out a chair and when she sat down, I pushed her in and went to sit down. I could see Tyler and Bree were talking between themselves.

Bella had on skinny tight jeans and a red sleeveless top. She looked nice. So, we joined in the convo. Bella and I had much in common: we both are from the states; she's from Jacksonville, Florida; and I'm from Chicago Illinois; we are attending the same college; and we like almost the same stuff. All she had done was smile.

"Sorry guys, I didn't mean to interrupt yours. I didn't want to tell you where I'm taking you, but I don't want you to be disappointed," I said.

" I won't be disappointed as long as I'm with you," Bella replied.

"Well then, I'll tell you."

"Come on, just say it."

"Okay okay, my friend Jared said there was a county fair, so I thought it would be nice rather than going to the movies."

"It's sounds like fun."

After we ate our pizza, Tyler went and paid for it. Then we went to Tyler's car and drove to the fair. I sneaked my hand over to Bella's and she took it. So, we were holding hands. I could see that she was blushing a little. It didn't take long to get to the fair. Once we arrived, Tyler dropped us off and he and Bree went to find a place to park. As we waited for them, I wrapped one arm around her waist and I pulled her closer. We waited for them, I wasn't sure, but I think they were having a make out session before they came.

When we were all together, we paid for our way in. I’m really not a ride person, I am more of a game person. We let Tyler and Bree go on the rides, and we played games. But one ride Bella dragged me on was the ferris wheel. I just let her. As we got stuck on the top, I wanted to make the first move. So I moved closer to her and leaned toward her and our mouths touched.

As the ride came to the stop, I helped Bella out and then I got out. We played a few more games before we drove them home. Overall, the date turned out nice. I had made the first move. We arrived at Bree's and Bella's house. Tyler parked the car and we walked the girls to the door.

"Edward, I had a nice time," she said as she leaned toward me and kissed me on my cheek.

"I'm glad you had a nice time," I replied as I return a kiss.

"See you on Monday," She took my hand and kissed it.

"Of course, good night."

It was my best night I had for a long time. I watch Bree and Bella got to their house. It was a little after midnight. As they walked into the house and closed the door; Tyler and I drove back to our house. As Tyler was driving back, I was thinking about Bella and all the fun we had together. When we finally got back to the house, I went to to my room and got changed. When I hit the pillow, I fell asleep right away. It was an exciting day I had here in Italy. ll of a sudden I jumped up, or should I say woke up, around three in the morning, because I had this strange feeling about Bella.

I can't explain it. Well, it was like Sam would come here to Italy to find her and hurt her. I just hope this feeling isn't true. I couldn't fall back to sleep after six in the morning. It was the longest night. All I wanted to do was to call Bella to make sure she was okay. But I knew it was really late. I didn't want to wake her up to see if she was okay. I didn't want to mention his name, or she would freak out. I did feel bad that she was attacked. All I did was lie in my bed the rest of the three house that I was awake. I would call her or probably see her tomorrow. I hardly knew her and I wished I could help her more.

So my best bet is to not mention Sam's name to her anymore. I want her to be happy, and forget about what happened to her back in Florida. When I did finally fall back to sleep at six,I tossed and turned for the rest of the night.

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