Chapter 1

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At what price, love?

"I hate that woman." Honey's voice was low and soft, barely audible, but all the guys heard it clear as day.

"Well anyway," Tamaki shrugged, "it's over and done with now. I'd appreciate it if you don't tell Haruhi."

The blond boy didn't wait for an answer before leaving; he didn't have to. Haruhi was dear to all of them and none of them would hurt her by choice.

Silence followed.

"Could she really do it?" Hikaru asked Kyoya. "Could Madam Suoh destroy Haruhi's life if Tamaki doesn't end his relationship with her?"

"Well," Kyoya considered, "the Chairman is quite fond of Haruhi and is unlikely to withdraw her scholarship regardless of his mother's wishes. But she could cost Haruhi's father his job and make it difficult for him to find another here in Tokyo. And if they have to leave Tokyo, Haruhi will have to withdraw from Ouran, which will limit her law school choices and scholarship opportunities."

"Even if her dad had to leave Tokyo, that doesn't mean she'd have to leave Ouran. She could live with us," Hikaru volunteered.

"You really think she'd leave her dad for a school?" Kaoru answered back.


"I'm surprised that bitter old woman didn't go after Haruhi without warning," Honey said.

"No," Mori replied. "Haruhi is not without friends and there is no reason to make enemies of the next head of the Haninozuka family or the owner of the Ootori Group." The others all turned to look at Mori in surprise. "What? All of us have money, but only Honey and Kyoya's families have enough social standing to challenge her."

Kyoya arched an eyebrow. "Interesting observation," he murmered to himself and filed away the comment for future reference.


It had been over a week and Haruhi's misery hadn't abated. Neither had Tamaki's, truth be told. At the Host Club meetings, Tamaki's charm was excessive, even for him. And for those who know him well, painfully forced. He stayed away from Haruhi and never met her eyes. For her part, Haruhi stayed on her side of the room, surreptitiously glancing over to try to figure out which of those well-moneyed beauties had taken Tamaki's heart.

Watching them from his vantage point midway between, it was hard to believe that only a month before, Tamaki had been dragging Kyoya around Tokyo's most exclusive jewelry stores looking at rings.

"What about this one?" Tamaki enthused holding up what looked like a piece of gilded lace.

"The filigree work is exquisite," Kyoya answered.

"Yes it is. Put it with the others please," he instructed the jeweler. The girl placed it on a velvet tray next to a half dozen other rings, variously carved, inlaid or set with colorful stones set in intricate patterns.

Kyoya glanced back at the case. "That one," he said.

The jeweler removed the ring from the case and handed it to him. Slightly over one carat, grade D white diamond solitaire set in white gold. "Flawless?" Kyoya inquired.

"Of course, sir," the jeweler replied.

"What have you found?" Tamaki bounced over. Kyoya showed him the ring. "Oh no! That's far too plain for my Haruhi!" Tamaki breezed back over to the other case.

Kyoya looked at the ring. Yes, he thought. Far too plain for your Haruhi. It would, however, have been perfect for my Haruhi. Simple. Elegant. Not so big it would encumber her tiny hands. Its true worth only apparent to those who knew what they were looking at. My Haruhi. He handed the ring back to the jeweler. He had to stop thinking this way. She was going to marry his best friend. Or at least, his best friend was going to ask her and she'd be a fool ten times over not to accept.

At what price,love?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang