Chapter 9:Fight

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Hey guys I'm back and ready to write, Hopefully. Hope you enjoy
And I will try and write the fight scenes 
Matrona took her cape of since Love helm had to make sure she didn't have any weapons.Matrona ran at griamor and started punching him in the stomach"Matrona is to fast for Griamor and she rushes in and let's loose with a round of punches" Love helm shouted.Everyone was cheering, but I was studying her, trying to figure out who she is.Matrona kept punching him until a purple ball started surrounding him like a shield,"Wall!!" Griamor shouted, I snorted, "he could have came up with a better name that wall" I muttered. "Ban gave me a weird look."What... I'm just saying", I returned him the same look. "He must be a holy knight" Meliodas said. We looked back to the fight. She tried punching the wall but it didn't break. The wall started to get bigger and bigger, pushing Matrona near the edge of the arena."I'll be advancing to the final round, If princess Veronica was to command it, I would bring anyone to their knees, even the 7 deadly sins, EVEN MELIODAS HIMSELF" Griamor shouted.I growled at this, no one is getting out captain.Matrona pulled her fist back"That not going to happen" and then she punched the wall and it started to crack, I was surprised at her strength.'How did she break through that' The crack soon turned into a big gap and she ran through, jumping and punching Griamor in the face, sending him out of the ring.I noticed Matrona a hat has came of, my eyes widened at who it was."There is no way that's her"Ban said while looking at her,"It can't be, can it" I looked up at Matron- in surprise"Captain please tell me I'm dreaming" king said."oh,well, and here I was hoping to stay hidden a little while longer"Diane said while walking over to us. "yup, it's me~" she giggled. Then meliodas said the most stupidest thing."Do I know you?" He questioned.
Diane then punched him in the stomach and walked away.

Kings POV (Finally a new POV)
I watched Diane walk away, "What did I do?" Meliodas questioned.Y/N sighed and gave meliodas a look saying 'are you serious', 'Omg she is so cute' Come on king let's go and see Diane" she said, she took my hand we followed her.I blush and look at our hand, as they intertwined with each other.I saw her blush to.

Time skip(to your fight)

"The final final fight of the eliminations,(Fake name) vs Haku" Love helm shouted. Everyone cheered."You better kick his ass sis" Ban said while putting a hand on my shoulder. "good luck lady Y/N" Elizabeth said while sitting in Diane's hands."G-good luck Y/N"King stuttered. I walked into the ring and got ready to fight." BEGIN THE FIGHT" love helm shouted. Haku ran at me and went for a punch, but I ducked down and swung my leg out causing him to trip over, he done a flip and landed on his feel.Everyone cheered. He smirked and disappeared. I looked around trying to find him. I felt a presence behind me and turned around just in time to catch his leg,but he kicked me in the chest with his other leg, I stumbled back."Your pretty strong, and I like that in a girl" Haku said. I rolled my eyes at his attempt to flirts. I ran at him an full speed and started punching him in the chest.He laughed."Are you mocking me" I gritted through my teeth. I stood up straight,"Are...your MOCKING ME" I shouted.

Ban's POV
" MOCKING ME" she shouted, she then ran at him punching and kicking at him 'no one mocks Y/N if they do, they won't see another day' She continued to punch him until he knocked her back near the edge. She ran forward and pulled her fist back, and punched him right in the face. His eyes widened as he is barely on the edge of the ring. She walked up to him and flicked his nose causing him to fall. Everyone cheered as Y/N looked down.
We all went to the middle."My name is Meliodas, captain of the 7 deadly sins, you have 20 minutes to get your stuff and get out", Everyone ran away and we looked up.
Hey guys I'm not dead, I'm sorry for the very very late update, I finally done a fight scene, I hope it was alright and I'm sorry if it gets confusing because when I read through it was a bit confusing

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