A Little Messy - Minseok (fluff)

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"Baby.." a deep and soft voice said.

"Hmm.." I hummed in response. "Wake up so we can have breakfast together. I'll help make it."

"Noo...you make it. I sleepy." I said like a baby and rolled over to the other side of the bed. "Oi, you're so lazy Y/N. Maybe, I'll just make me food since you won't get up."

I shot straight out of bed and huffed. "Fine. We'll go make breakfast."

I trudged out of bed and walked myself into the kitchen with Minseok right behind me. "What do you want for breakfast, Y/N?"

"Waffles!" I said with no hesitation whatsoever. "Haha alright, sweetie. Would you like anything else? Bacon, eggs, hash browns?"

"Yes." I nodded. "Sooo, all of the above, I guess?" He laughed. "Yes."

I went to the fridge and grabbed all of the ingredients for breakfast and set them on the counter. "Wow. That's a lot. What do you want to make?" "I'll make the eggs and hash browns. You can make the waffles and bacon." He nodded in agreement and began mixing the batter together.

"Oo oo oo! Put chocolate in them, I want chocolate waffles today!" "Yes baby." He said as he got the cocoa powder from the cupboard.

He opened the cupboard and reached for the cocoa powder and the top apparently wasn't on correctly and he spilled chocolate powder all over his shirt. "Ah Y/N! Didn't you put the top back on this! It's all over my shirt!"

I couldn't help, but laugh at his complaining. "You think this is funny? Come here. Give me a hug, Y/N."

"No! Get away from me! I don't want that on my clothes Min!" I yelled and ran around the island in our kitchen.

"Not so funny now, is it!" He screamed as he chased me. "I'll stop! I promise, just get away from me!" I laughed.

"Fine. I need to go change then. It's everywhere. Remember to put the lid on next time."

"I'll try." I said sarcastically. I walked back to my spot and started to shred potatoes for our hash browns. I looked up and found a shirtless Minseok walking back into the kitchen.

"Aish! Where are your clothes?" I yelled, covering my eyes. "It's nothing you haven't seen before." He said arrogantly. "Plus, don't you like it? I don't look bad, right?"

I averted my eyes into the food and turned a little pink. "J-just, help finish the food. Don't burn yourself, cocky."

He just chuckled and continued working next to me.

Wow I forgot how fucking hot he is. I thought to myself, face burning at the thought of him standing in my presence without a shirt on.

"Hey.." he whispered in my ear. "Ahhh! Fuck Min, you scared me!" I went to slap his arm when he grabbed my hand.

"Is that anyway to treat someone who is making you breakfast?" He smirked and put my hand down. "Your face is flushed, Y/N. Could that possibly be because I just happen to not be wearing a shirt?" He teased as he pulled on my ears.

"No, of course not. My face is obviously red because of the heat from cooking food. Not from thinking about your perfect body." I turned away and continued whisking my eggs.

"Are you sure?" He said and grabbed my hand and placed it on his neck. "D-definitely not." I stuttered.

"Whatever you say, sweetie." He kissed my ear.

"Ju-just finish making the food. Stop distracting me."

"Yes ma'am." he smirked and continued to make his half of our breakfast.

Dude. His body. Triggers the shit out of me. God. It's. So. Mmmmfff

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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