Cute - Kyungsoo (fluff) Pt. 1

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This is another dream story. I cried when this happened. I love him so much. It's impossible to have one bias in this group. I have 2.

Do Kyungsoo. My Ksoo Ksoo. He's so cute. We've been friends for years. Since high school actually, so about 5 years in April. He's always been that friend who acts all tough and angry, but don't let him fool you. He's a sweetheart.

"Ksoo! What are you doing over there? Come over here so I can lay on you!" I yelled and motioned him towards me. "You just love me for my body Y/N! But I'll allow it since I understand. I am a pretty good pillow." he said flipping his imaginary long hair and walked in my direction.

"You're soft and I love it. My fluffy Ksoo~" I teased.

I laid my head in his lap and took his hand to put on my hair. "Play with me Ksoo~" he scoffed. "Why are you acting like such a baby, it's annoying."

"Tch. You're so meeaaann Ksoooo~ play with me pleeeeaaassseeee or I'll cry." I pretended to tear up and fake cry until he played with my hair.

"You're a brat you know that, Y/N?" he sighed and began to play with my hair unwillingly. "Yeah, but you love me so, it doesn't matter how much of a brat I am." I stuck my tongue out and teased at Kyungsoo. "Don't act like a child or I'll stop." I immediately put my tongue in my mouth so he would continue pampering me.

"I have a class soon Y/N, I can't sit here all day pampering you. I have a test today and it's really important. I'll come play with you later, okay?" I sighed in defeat, "Okay, but I'm going to text you in class whether you like it or not. What are you doing after? The others want to go get dinner."

He tapped his chin, "Nothing, I don't think. Unless they give an assignment after the test. I'll text you, okay?" "Okay. Do good D.O" I patted his head like he was a little brother. "Don't patronize me, Y/N. I'll see you later."

- Time Skip -

Chang of plans. Everyone is coming to
my house for food and stuff.
Just to let you know.

Thanks for the update.

See you soon😝

I sent the last text and went home to prepare for the others. I picked up some pizzas, chips, and sodas to eat because I can't really cook and I don't want to kill the group.

"Guysss! Come on in!" I motioned the group inside. "I bought food for you guys."

"I didn't feel like getting sick from your cooking Y/N so thank you." Suho said as he poked my sides. "Wow, thanks Junmyeon, you're so sweet." I said sarcastically.

"Hey, I don't see D.O., Y/N, where is he?"

"He's at class. He said he had to take a test today. I don't know how long he'll be. He promised he'd be here though." I said scratching my head.

"You guys just get something to eat and hang out. Put on a movie or something. I'll be right back."

"Don't be too long Y/N! We want to hang out with you too!" Baekhyun said waving at me while I walked into the other room.

Are you almost done?
I miss my Ksoo and the guys are here

Tell them it'll be 15 minutes, okay?
Plus I'm still taking this test Y/N
I'll see you in a few
Let me finish.

Dammit. I didn't wanna make this 2 parts, but I think I have to. Ugh. Kms man

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