Parents // Emilio

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"But Y/N what if they don't like me?" Emilio whined as he gripped onto my wrist as I tried to force him out of the front door.
"Of course they'll like you, what's not to like?" I asked, trying to convince him to go.
"I dunno, your dad is scary and protective," he shrugged, laughing a little as his pretty vague reply to my question.
"He's really not that bad, especially if you get him after a few drinks," I laughed, pulling him a bit more. Eventually, he reluctantly gave in, walking out the front door as I shut it behind us. 

Today was the first time Emilio would be meeting anyone in my family. They were visiting me in LA for the first time since I moved here, so of course they were very excited to see me as well as meet the new boy in my life. My parents and my siblings had come down for the occasion. We decided on going out for dinner together since I didn't want to bring them to our house since none of our friends know how to be tidy, so I figured it was best to go out. I had put on a new dress I bought and Emilio was wearing a dress shirt and black jeans, which was different from the hoodies he usually wore.

"Ouh he IS handsome," I teased as I nudged his side with my elbow.
"Ouh she IS cute," he laughed, pinching my side, causing me to squeal and squirm away from him and run to the drivers side of the car where I got in.
"I'm supposed to open the door for you," Emilio pointed out as he sat in the passenger side.
"I'm a big girl, I can open my door," I laughed.

I began driving and as we got closer to the restaurant, Emilio just became more and more nervous. Worrying about what he was wearing, his English, what he would say, how my family would react to him. He was scared but he honestly had nothing to be scared of since my family is very welcoming to absolutely everyone and Emilio doesn't really have any flaws, especially not ones my parents would be able to know of.

When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw my family standing outside of the entrance. I parked the car and turned it off, looking over at Emilio who was bouncing his knee up and down in his seat.
"Ready?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows playfully.
"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess," he replied with a small chuckle. We did a handshake we made up when we first met and got out of the car. We walked towards my parents and siblings who greeted us both with big smiles and hugs.

My mom brought Emilio into her arms and squeezed tightly, causing me to laugh to myself. I knew she was really excited to finally meet the boy I had been dating.


No longer than 20 minutes after we had sat down to eat, my entire family was in love with Emilio. They were so interested in his life and found him quite hilarious, which of course I agreed with. He bonded with my dad about random stuff like soccer, which was always a good sign. No one gave off weird vibes and everyone seemed like they were having a great time, which put me at ease.

After saying our goodbyes, Emilio and I got back into the car, driving back home.
"Not too bad, huh?" I asked, glancing over at him.
"Not bad at all, I like them," he smiled, reaching his hand over and placing it on my thigh, squeezing it lightly.
"They really liked you, I could tell," I told him reassuringly. I knew he had nothing to be worried about, and I had a feeling they were going to want to see much more of him in the near future.

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