Turquoise Moon (ch 6)

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Chapter 6: darkness consumes you, saving you

As I got out of the car I stared up at the building with a smile. How ironic life could be. After so much death, so much revenge the only way to truly keep my brother safe was to give up, to give myself to them.

It was early in the night still and the Nest was packed. It was only Straut, Yule, and I who entered into the Nest that night. The others were busy cleaning my mess, burying the bodies, or cremating or whatever they did when vampires died.

Men and woman of all ages, all ethnicities, mingled and socialized like you'd expect to see in any normal place on the Vegas strip. The similarity made me shiver something that wasn't beneath Yule's notice.

As I began attracting attention. People seamed to stop what they were doing to stare at me, whisper amongst each other like children in a school yard. Was a human in the Nest that big? Or was it simply because I was with the two biggest officials in all of Nevada?

We don't stay in the main hall ways for long. After a labyrinth of impossible twist and turns we head to a huge conference room where two more high ranking officials sat along with a woman dressed in white.

They all stand as we walk in the room giving Yule the proper greeting. "Is this her?" The woman says as she steps froward studying my features.

"Yes Carolina, this is her." he sounds disgusted at this firey haired woman with emerald eyes.

"Perfect," she tries to grab my wrist but I pull back in alarm.

"Stay still," Yule hisses as he and Straut take a seat with the other men.

I take a deep breath as she grabs my arms again sending a chill running up my spine. She turns for a moment as she presses the record button on a small device on the table.

Her green eyes fall on me once more and she looks over my face curiously. "Today is the fourth of June, 2010 and we will now be preceding onto Patient C." My instincts are screaming now, urging me to do something, anything as her hands rake over my body leave nothing below her notice. All the while the four men sit with blank stares watching her every move.

"Patient C has several lacerations on both wists as well as four on her neck. Brown hair with the usual curls. Blue eyes."

I stared at her breathless for a moment. My hair was not brown and it was definitely not curled but then again I straightened it. I dyed it at the slightest sign of my natural roots. She couldn't have known that...

" 5'4" and 107lbs. Seventeen years of age."

"I'm eighteen." she froze and looked at me as if I was a doll that had magically come to life. "I'm eighteen." I repeated and she turned to look at Yule.

"Be quiet." he was weary now as he leaned his head on the table like a bored child. "Just let her finish."

She looked back at me and when I said nothing she continued. "Seventeen years of age." She lifted up my shirt taking in the newer slices and marks from the gate. "2500 mL lost at time of incident." again that couldn't be right, a human could only take a loss of 1500 mL of blood, 2500 and you wouldn't survive. This time I don't say anything though. She turned and stopped the recording looking at me for the last time, "Ya, she's the real deal or half of it anyways."

She whips her head around to address Yule once more, "You drank from her yes?"

His face grew dark as well as the men beside him, "Yes"

Her lips pursed as if this distressed her, "any others?"

"Her brother but they have the same mother, the same blood." she nodded taking that into consideration.

She stepped away from me as she grabbed a bottle from her bag and tosses it to him. "They told you what to expect? The symptoms?" He nodded solemnly. "You know your options. If you want it gone I advise that you get rid of her but till then take one each time the symptoms hit." I took in a deep breath controlling the need to know what the hell was going on and why were they acting like I was diseased. Symptoms?

"That'll be all." Said Straut excusing her. She bowed then walked out of the room leaving me with the four other men.

"I think you shou-"

"No," said Yule, "not with her here." I expected them to call someone to come and retrieve me but Yule stood up grabbing my arm as he pulled me out of the room.

He was silent as we walked down the empty hall. This wing of the a Nest wasn't open to the public. He showed me to an office that had been turned into a bed room of sorts. Really all they did was push the desk and file cabinet to the side and added a bed. The only plus was that it had an adjoining restroom which meant I wouldn't have to ask someone every time I had to go.

He shoved me into the room following behind me as he closed the door. I took a seat on the bed waiting for him to say something or do whatever he was going to do to me, but he just continued to stand there staring down at me, studying me almost. A scowl spread across his face as he cracked open the bottle swallowing down far more than one pill. He turned away as he opened the door ready to disappear and leave me here alone.

"Wait!" I ran catching the sleeve of his coat. I looked deep into his eyes knowing I couldn't trust him but needing to ask all the same, "He's alright isn't he? You kept your word." he shoved me away throwing me to the ground as he left locking the door behind him leaving me nothing.

A pang of regret stabbed at me, had I done the right thing? Was he safe? "Owen" I whispered falling on the strange foreign bed, tears consuming me.

**Please comment and tell me what you think or how I can make it better!**

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