The Turquoise Moon

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** Yes I'm sorry but this is a story about love and vampires. I have loved vampires since I was a young girl and I'll truly try not to let my story fall under the all to common cliches that a lot of vampire romances do. I'll try and do right by all the true vampire fans out there**

Chapter 1: screeches of demons within hold you close

"Hey Starla table two's ready for there order."

"Thanks Mindy!" I walk out of the back room, past the kitchen, and out to the wide open space of Gertrude Dinner. It wasn't the most alluring name but the coffee was cheap and the waitresses were easy on the eyes.

Ferdinand, an old fashion kind of man, opened the tiny road side dinner in '92 and not much has changed since then. The same old leather barely clings to the same dingy booths that were worn even back when this place was still new. Now the leather was cracked beyond repair though, spoiled by the hot Nevadan sun. It even had the same customers coming back to sit at their usual spot and sip their two dollar coffee while they waited for the same tuna fish sandwich they ordered every time.

It used to be quite a nice place to just be till danger moved in to our small town. People started disappearing and customers that used to show up every day were never heard from again. In an attempt to compensate for the lull in money coming in Ferdinand, or papa Dan as most of the girls called him, decided to get in with the times. In an attempt bring in the Las Vegas tourists he began forcing the waitresses to wear the kind of clothes that would...well that would bring in the men.

I throw my hair up into a bun as I approach the couple who greeted me with their familiar smiles. "Hey Stan and Ella what can I get for you today." They were one of those old couples that seamed as if they've been together since birth. They always smiled at each other, seaming to communicate without the need to actually talk.

"The usual dear." said Ella as she patted Stan's hand affectionately.

"B.L.T. and a chicken salad coming right up." I headed behind the counter handing Dan the order.

"Hey kiddo where's your brother? Sun went down an hour ago, he's late." he says as he finished table six's burgers.

My lips pursed as I stared out as the desert night nervously, "he went to go...pick up someone."

Dan shook his head disapprovingly. "Shouldn't he be back by now Star?" like always Jules pops up from no where, diving into the conversation like she's been standing there the whole time.

"That boy is too young to be messing with stuff like that. You girls are too. Old age teaches you one thing, you don't go meddling with those vamps"

Jules laughs as he hands her the plates, "Oh Papa Dan we've got everything under control. No need to trouble your self worrying about your little angles." she says as she walks away.

Dan lets out a deep sigh. He was no young man anymore, with his sixtieth birthday coming up he had more ray hair than brown anymore. He never married or had kids for that matter and to him we filled in a hole he'd been missing all his life. Needless to say what we did scared the hell out of him. "I understand Mindy and Jules wanting to do this but you Starla? You're usually the level headed one."

I looked down at the burgundy tile avoiding his gaze. "I never planned to be doing this again but since Owen's accident... he needs this."

A dark look spread across his features. What happened to Owen had nearly broken Dan's heart. I don't think he could survive something like that again and he knew it. "Starla, you take care of that kid you here? Keep him out of trouble."

I looked up at him giving him a brave look, "I will Dan."

"Starla they're here!" Mindy rushes and grabs me turning me around just as Owen and his new "friend" walk in. I let out a sigh of relief as I see Owen's smiling face as he shows the man to a booth. "Want me to handle this one?" Mindy and Jules loved this part. Something about walking the fires edge seamed to enthrall them.

"Nah, I got it." I pull the rubber band out letting the soft blond hair fall down over my shoulders.

I walked up to the table as I got into character. "And how can I help you boys?" I turn on my best flirty smile as I approached. Owen flashes me an approving grin as we both take in the look on the man's face.

He was a big guy, but that was to be expected. Owen liked the challenge. With a single glance you could see the hard muscles that rippled beneath his thin coat. His eyes were light as he drank in my appearance. A mini skirt and black heels worked wonders on any man.

"Two stakes Miss, rare please." He had the slightest tinge of a southern accent which made my smile deepen showing off the sparkling whites of my teeth. He smiled back careful not to reveal too much.

"And to drink?"

"Just to glasses please. We're training for a triathlon in San Fransisco next month and we can only drink these special shakes." said Owen stepping in.

"Wow," I said as I let the full impact of my powder blue eyes take their hold over the man, "you boys must be really tough then huh?" I gave him one more teasing glance before I turned back around to go find the girls.

In the back room Mandy and Jules were waiting for me. "Oh my gosh this ones so big!" screeched Mindy excitedly.

I gave them a surprised laugh. They really were becoming adrenaline junkies. It was fine for now, the more help the better. As long as they didn't go off and become some sort of vigilantly then it wouldn't do any harm. "Okay okay, calm down and listen. He's about 6'2" and I'd say roughly 250 lbs. This one should be a cinch. Jules you take over our tables, this shouldn't take too long. Mindy go round back and get into place she nodded as her face grew serious.

As much as Mindy and Jules liked to goof off and act like children they knew to take this serious. After all it was a matter of life and death.

Mindy went out the back and Jules and I headed back up front. She gave my hand a quick reassuring squeeze as she headed to man the fort and I went back to Owen's table. Already they had their food. It doesn't take long to prepare two extremely bloody steaks.

When the man saw me he instantly straightened up wiping the blood that dripped from his mouth. By the spark of excitement in his eyes I knew he and my brother had already had the talk. Now it was my turn to take it from here.

"Well it's your lucky day boys, looks like the old man's letting me out of here early." the man's jaw clenched in anticipation.

"Well then, lets pay the check and we can get starte-"

"No need" I laughed letting my hand brush ever so slightly against his shoulder, "it's on the house."

It was easy after that, we got him to the back of the dinner. It was getting late by now and I new Jules and Dan were inside getting ready to close.

"S-so how exactly do we do this?"

I gave him a warm smile, "Don't be nervous hun. I do this all the time." I pulled down my sleeve showed countless bite marks. Behind him I saw my brother flinch but the man seamed to be calmed by this.

He drew me close, dipping my neck back to get a clear view. "He goes nothing," he mumbles. I feel his teeth graze my skin and I gasp. I looked at Owen wide eyes as we both wondered what was going on.

Suddenly his teeth dig into me and I cry out in pain muffling the sound of the shot being fired. I feel him collapse to the floor releasing me.

"Damn it Mindy! You let him bite me!" she appears from the shadows carrying the rifle gingerly like one would hold a new born infant.

"Well you're stupid head was in the way! You didn't want me to shoot you did you?"

I sigh as I touch my hand to my wound. "Aw god. Look at all this blo-" I freeze and my eyes shoot up to my brother. His body is trembling as his eyes stay glued to my hand covered in crimson blood.

"Owen." Mindy whispers suddenly very sad.

The anger I once felt has melted away and in it's place guilt and pain tear at me. "Here." I lift my hand to him, "it's been a long time since you've eaten hasn't it?"

The beast takes over and without another word he has me in his grasp as I feel my blood flowing into him. I close my eyes repressing the tears.

My brother was a vampire.

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