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Belua swung her arm with precision, collecting all her strength to punch Nathaniel square in the face. From the sheer intensity of the impact, he lost his balance and landed on his back, flat on the floor.

„That's for kidnapping me.", Bel announced, coming to him and bracing herself for another punch. She kicked his side with her foot, his whole body rolling a few feet away from her. „...And that's for ruining my new clothes."

Lucifer smiled. His anger was less apparent now.

Chloe still remained behind the chair from which she untied Belua and set her free while the two brothers quarrelled. Luckily, the detective was able to sneak into the building and release Bel before Nathaniel could even notice. He was too concentrated on Lucifer.

Still a little uneasy, Chloe remained on the side. She had a feeling that everything will resolve itself now, but also couldn't help feeling the significant drawback of being the only human among these powerful creatures.

„Detective, that was an incredibly foolish thing to do.", Lucifer remarked.

„I know, right?" she exhaled, her tensed shoulders relaxing. „I must've picked up a thing or two from your behaviour."

Lucifer chuckled, although still trapped to the same spot with the iron straps on his ankles. He then told Chloe to set him free, but she didn't see any switch or a tool, something that she could help him with. Meanwhile, Belua knocked the poor angel unconscious. Blood was coming out of his mouth and he was laying on the floor, his clothes now covered in dirt. With her chest heaving as she breathed in and out, trying to steady her heart racing, she limped over to Luce. He observed her face, the relief washing over her.

„One thing I didn't miss... Violence.", she exhaled heavily.

„Bel... I'm sorry for breaking my promise.", he blurted out instantly, sighing.

„It's not your fault.", she responded, looking at him, not knowing what to say or do at that point.

There was a moment of silence as both of them looked at Chloe.

„Get her out of here, before Nathaniel wakes up.", Lucifer said while staring at Bel. „I'll get myself out of this."

„How?" Belua came closer, looking at the angel-proofed harnesses.

„My brother's smart, I'll give him that.", he flashed a smirk, but a painful one as he looked at Bel. „But, I'm still smarter."

Belua sighed and nodded, going over to Chloe. Her wings appeared in an instant, spreading on her back and even glowing slightly. Chloe's eyes immediately went to the silver feathers and she was ogling at them, completely forgetting about anything else that was happening. They were absolutely mesmerizing. Somehow, they made Chloe feel calm and relaxed as she marvelled at them.

„Do you trust me?" Belua asked, snapping her back to reality.

„Uhm...", the detective looked warily at her. „No."

„Well, of course.", Belua huffed, shaking her head while chuckling. „That was silly of me to even ask. You don't know me."

„Detective!" Lucifer called out from the same spot as before. „Just do as she says. I can assure you her plans are always more elaborate than mine."

Belua glanced at Luce and then turned back around to look at Chloe. „We don't have time for this."

With a few hurried steps, Belua came over to Chloe and embraced her, holding onto her tightly. To say that Chloe was confused would be an understatement.

„Hold onto me tight.", Belua instructed and before Chloe could react, both of their legs lifted up from the floor.

They were levitating. The detective started panicking and wriggling, but still held onto Belua, so she wouldn't fall.

„I hope you're not afraid of heights.", Belua said and laughed a bit, her wings flapping gracefully. With Chloe trying not to scream, they flew out of the building through a broken window.

Her silver wings fluttered softly and Chloe found herself staring again. It seemed like they were gliding through the air. This time, the magnificent feathers didn't calm her that much, but she somehow believed that she was in good hands. Quite literally actually, because Belua was still hugging her, while Chloe clung to her arms for her dear life. She could feel the softness of the wings against her skin, the wind passing through her hair. She didn't remember much of the whole 'flight', only seeing a few buildings from above and feeling dizzy. Her feet touched the ground again on the balcony of Lucifer's penthouse and she exhaled a sigh of relief. Her still blurry vision registered Maze coming, saying something, but she couldn't remember what it was.

„Take care of her, Maze.", Belua said hurriedly and Chloe could now hear everything clearly. She was back in reality and the shock was slowly starting to wear off.

Belua then left Chloe's side and ran off the balcony.

Maze yelled after her, but it was too late. Bel already flew up and disappeared.

Chloe's chest was still heaving and her heart thumped fast. Maze took her by the arm and sat her down on the couch.

On the other side of town and only a few minutes later, Belua landed a bit too hastily, almost falling as she stumbled over her feet. She hurried over to Lucifer, who was sitting on the ground, completely exhausted. His feet weren't tied anymore and there were clear signs of struggle, because the table was split in half. Blood was coming out of a fresh wound on the Devil's face, just above his eyebrow. He had several other minor cuts on his body, his suit ripped apart and ruined.

„Lucifer!" Bel kneeled down so they were face to face. She took him by the shoulders gently and pulled him into a bear hug.

„Bel...", his voice was croaky. „I'm sorry."

„It's alright.", she closed her eyes, enjoying his presence. „I'm glad you're okay."

„I broke my promise. I-", Lucifer swallowed hard. „I wasn't able to take care of you. I didn't protect you."

His grasp on her was strong, like he was afraid to let her go again.

„What happened to Nathaniel?" she asked, hesitating.

„Nathaniel escaped. He only got a half of what he deserved.", Lucifer said harshly. „He hurt you. That's unforgivable."

„And I kicked his arse for doing so.", she smiled at him reassuringly.

Lucifer didn't say a word, his eyes still bloodshot.

„Don't move.", she instructed as she closed her eyes. Her hands were still on his cheeks. In a few brief moments, while she concentrated and gathered her power, Lucifer sat not moving a muscle. His wounds started to heal as his body trembled, his skin getting back to usual, without any scars whatsoever. If there wasn't blood on his clothes, nobody would even think he was injured.

„I don't deserve you.", he kissed her cheek softly as she finished, while his hands took hers.

„Luce...", she sighed.

„I'm going to make it up to you.", his eyes looked sad.

„Let's just go home.", she said and they stood up, still holding onto each other for support.

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