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It's been days. Weeks.

But, to Lucifer, they felt like years.

He was by her side the entire time, sitting on the egde of her bed, holding her hand, playing with the strands of her long, silver hair. Sleep was out of the question. Only once did he practically pass out from exhaustion and Maze didn't have the heart to wake him up when she came upstairs to the bedroom and saw him. He never looked so exhausted, miserable and downright depressed. He was experiencing the loss of her all over again and Mazikeen understood how hard this was for him, so she left him alone. But, she still stayed pretty close, spending more time here in his vicinity than at her shared apartment with Chloe. She went to the apartment only for clothes anyway. She even managed Lux and kept it open every night because she wanted to make herself busy somehow. Truly, she wasn't the one to dwell on things, but this situation concerned her deeply.

Both her and Lucifer were just waiting. Counting down the seconds, minutes, hours, before she wakes up. Or dies.

They had a bit of trouble with keeping this situation quiet at first, because a jogger actually found her on the beach and kinda freaked out when he realized the wings were attached to her skin, not a costume. Maze had to deal with the police until Lucifer arrived, which was hard enough as it is. Luckily, Lucifer had some connections and, along with his convincing nature, he managed to sort everything out and sweep this whole thing under a rug. It kept him busy for the first few days, but then he retreated back to his bedroom, by the Queen's side.

Chloe came almost every day, but Lucifer was still mad at her. He had no strenght or will to fight with her, so he simply sent her off. He was disappointed that she refused to trust him. Chloe felt guilty, but for now, there was nothing she could do. So, she was also waiting.

And at this particular moment, she was waiting at Lucifer's door, already prepared for him to shut the doors in her face right after he opens them.

Only today, Maze opened the doors.

„What do you want?" she was almost growling at Chloe.

„Look, I see how serious this whole thing is and I don't want to pry-"

„Well, too late for that, detective.", Maze almost spit out the word. „He's right, you know. If you can't trust him, there's no point in you being here."

„I know. It's entirely my fault. And I know that no matter how many times I apologize it won't make any difference...", Chloe sighed, looking away from the bartender that was giving her a dirty look. „I'm just worried about him, Maze. I care for him. That's why I followed him in the first place."

„Just let her in already.", Lucifer's low voice was heard from the inside, somewhere behind Maze.

Chloe looked pleadingly at Maze, who hesitated.

Turning her head to look at Lucifer, she glared at him too. „I'm going to kick her ass for showing up here again."

„Maze.", Lucifer scolded her.

Finally, she opened the doors wide and allowed her to enter.

Chloe got in and Maze closed the doors behind her. For the first time in awhile, the detective seemed out of place in Lucifer's penthouse. After all, this wasn't one of her regular visits. The luxurious space now looked gloomy and unusually still.

The doors to Lucifer's bedroom were opened and he stood there, leaned on the door frame. His hair was disheveled, face tired and he was wearing sweats and a loose-fitting t-shirt. Chloe had to do a double check, blink a few times, just to assure herself that's really the same person, or rather the Devil, she was used to seeing at work every day.

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