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‘This is my fourth day in Imai's world' Inoue woke up and found himself alone in Imai's house again. ‘Haaa… school time huh? I wonder what they up to now?' Inoue check his phone and there's no new message or email yet. ‘Why they didn't call or text me when I'm gone? That's strange.' Inoue chuckled and smile. ‘Well, at least there's Imai here keep me company.'
‘But I kinda miss them already.'

“Oii! Georgia!” called Lico in Fukoi High swimming pool.
“What is the matter, Lico?” asked Georgia, wondering.
“Salomon and Sakura were fighting again in the art room,” said Lico.
“Leave them be, I'm sure they will get along when they calm down.” Georgia turned her head and scoffed.
“But, you're the only one who can stop their arguing, please Georgia.” Lico pleaded her.
Georgia was Salomon's girlfriend. “Fine! I'm going.”
“Erm, Miss Georgia? Are you going to stop your boyfriend with you swimsuit?”
“Ha?! Eeekk… thank you for reminding me…!” Georgia runs like lightning to changing room. Lico just smiled.
“You are a very brave girl, Georgia.”

In the art room, Salomon and Sakura still fight about their drawing.
“My Inoue's drawing is better than you!” shouted Salomon.
“NO! Mine is the Best!” Sakura yelled even louder than him.
“WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!” the sound of Georgia's voice stopped their arguing.
Georgia step inside and take Salomon's hand and get out of here.
As Georgia was mumbling while dragging her boyfriend, Salomon realizes that he has done some embarrassing things with Sakura again.
Georgia stopped at the field. She turned to see Salomon's face.
“Now ! Tell me what happen?” Georgia put her arms together.
“I'm sorry, Georgia… I-I started it.” Salomon told her everything.
“I see…” she looks at her boyfriend's hands and she knows that he tried so hard from the morning.
“I know that Sakura's drawing is better than mine, but my mind went black and start my evil conversation to Sakura and made her mad,” Salomon looks straight into Georgia's eyes.
“Don't worry about it, I tried to convince her today and back to normal again, okay?” said Georgia.
“Thank you, Georgia, I owe you one.”
“Hey, we're lovers; don't be so formal, it's creep me out.”
Salomon tries to laughed but he tried to hold on, don't want her mad as well.
“Anyway, about Inoue, you think maybe he's still alive, somehow,” said Georgia.
“You worried about him too, don't you?” grinned Salomon.
“O-of course I do… but I'm…I'm more worried about you,” Georgia starting to get blush from saying that.
“Hehe, of course.” And they gave their warm hugs.

“Hihihiiii, so cute… so hot… oh…,”
A strange voice from Imai in the music room. She was reading a fan fiction about love.
“Stop with your awkward voice, other people might think you are doing something…dirty,” said Meymycie, a very shy and cute girl.
“But I can't take it, it's so….cute…,” and then she squeaked. Meymycie sigh and ignore her.
Suddenly, there's someone knocking their door. “I'll get it,” Meymycie opened the door and startled. “W-Who are you?”
Imai took a peak and it makes Imai want to scream.
“I-Inoue?? What are you doing here? How did you know I'm here?”
“I'm bored, so, I decided I want to be a new student here and I know you're studying at Fusaku High. So, here I am,” explain Inoue.
“Erm…? Imai…Is he your new boyfriend?”
“No…it was my-wait,” Imai stopped and rushed outside with Inoue. “Mycie, just a second with him, okay?” Imai closed the door.
“No, Inoue, you can't… you can't…” Imai stutter.
“It's alright, Imai, I can be your cousin if your friend asks you.”
“But, we're look alike… there's no way.” Refuse Imai.
“Please Imai, I want to go to school, I want to be with you.” Inoue pleaded.
Imai blushed when she heard those words. “I-Inoue, y-you idiot…”
“Since when you get so…ehem…I can't say that word.”
Imai put her head on Inoue's chest to hide her reddish face and Inoue chuckle.
“Alright, just wait here.” Imai go inside the music room and told Meymycie that Inoue was her cousin.
A minute later, both of them go see the principle.
“Sir, Imai's here,” said Imai.
“Ah…yes, Imai? What seem to be a problem?” asked the principal.
“My cousin here wants to study in Fusaku, sir.”
“Your cousin? Well, where's your parent? I need to see them first.”
Imai started to get sweaty and Inoue say “I'm sorry, sir. My parent passes away a few years ago.”
“I'm sorry for your lost, but I'm sure Imai's here to be your guidance.”
“Yes, sir.”
Imai felt so relief and at the same time, she was happy.
“Alright, here's your registration paper, just write it and sign,” said the principal and he turn his chair.
Inoue winked to Imai as a sign that he's happy.

After an hour later, they both were in the small garden.
“I-Inoue… you don't have to lie…”
“Lie? About what?”
“About your parents, I'm sure they're worried sick about you.”
Inoue wrap his hand around Imai's shoulder. “Don't worry about them, at least I have you.” Inoue pinch Imai.
“You said those words again…stop it.” Imai turn her head, not wanting to look at Inoue's face.
“Haha… you're so funny,” chuckle Inoue.
‘Inoue…you're me and I am you… we can be together… I mean…not love…' Imai's mind was confused and frustrated.
Imai recognise those voice, Imai glance and “Hoshiko?”
Imai stand up and rushed to hug her. “It's been so long, where have you been? I miss you!”
“I-I-I miss you too, Imai.”
“Still the same and old Hoshiko, hihi,” Imai giggle.
“S-Shut up!” Hoshiko smiled and keep hugging her. Hoshiko noticed him. “Imai…who is he?”
“That would be me!” Imai grinned.
“Don't be ridiculous, that is not you, you are here.” Imai lean closer to Inoue.
“It's me… I'm a boy,” smiled Imai. Inoue elbow her.
“I told you to address me as your cousin, don't forget it.”
“But Hoshiko trusted me and if she knows, I'm sure she will understand,” said Imai.
“Wait, Imai… you both looked the same, with same hair colour, same eye colour and what about your necklace?” Hoshiko hold out her hands to reach for their necklace. “What? S-same? I don't get it.” Hoshiko grab her head.
“Calm down, Hoshiko, I can explain, but first… how about I treat you at my place?” Imai suggest eating dinner with Hoshiko.
“Hee… very well then, I tried to calm myself with your delicious meal.”
“That's my Hoshiko and also… help me with my study, okay?”
“My pleasure, Imai,” Hoshiko said it with style.
Inoue just watching them being together.

Hoshiko was Imai's best mate in M3N6 (mane six) group. Hoshiko was mean and always mad but on the inside, she was actually very sweet and care about you. In Japanese, we called them ‘Tsundere'. If you don't know well… I cannot do anything about it. Well, I guess you all know that. Also, Hoshiko likes to help people with the studies and a bookworm. She's top students so don't mess with her. Anyway, that's all from her… let's continuing the journey, shall we? *winked*

Hoshiko eats her food gently and she grabs her napkin to clean her mouth. “Imai, it's been so long since I've tasted a real meal, my food sucks,” said Hoshiko and make an angry face.
“You can eat more and more if you want, I can cook again.”
“Thank you very much, Imai, I appreciate it,” said Hoshiko gently.
Imai rushed into the kitchen and saw Inoue just standing there, peeking.
“Hey! You don't want to go eat dinner with her? Come on take your plates,” Imai voice makes Inoue startled.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, now this is a real dinner, because eating dinner together makes we are family, right?” as cheerful as ever. And three of them were together. Inoue felt awkward eating with another stranger besides Imai, of course.
After dinner, Inoue doing all the dishes while Hoshiko and Imai were upstairs, studying. Inoue let out a small sigh. “That's not fair.”

“Anyway, Hoshi~~ how are you?”
“Well, Imai. The usual… nothing special.”
“Then, why are you here? Are you visiting the M3N6?”
“N-No… I was just …actually… yes… you got a problem with that?”
“Aaa… Hoshi… don't lie… I know you're lying.”
“Alright! I just… I just want to go to your place for a little while and I didn't know that I saw you so…”
“Ooh… now I get it… well... now….help me...”
“Alright… alright… I'll help you.”
Hoshiko teach Imai like a strict teacher. Even though it's scary but Imai understand every word that she said.
Two hours later, Imai was fast asleep. Hoshiko left her with a comfy blanket.
“H-Hey,” Inoue greet Hoshiko when she was about to leave the house,
“Oh… hello… I'm sorry for ignoring you the whole time.”
“N-Never mind… I'm used to it,” fluttered Inoue.
“We haven't introduce our name yet, well, let me introduce myself… my name is Hoshiko Murasakibara,” said Hoshiko, more ladylike.
“Oh… I'm Inoue Akano Ushira… nice to meet you...” Inoue hold out his hand and Hoshiko grabs it.
“Until we meet again, Inoue,” then she vanished.
“That was… fast…” Inoue was stunned.
As the curled long black haired, with bright ocean blue eyes, in a flashed. Will Hoshiko reveal again in the next chapter? Stay tuned.

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