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  ‘What is the meaning of this?'
 ‘How does it happen?'
 Imai and Inoue mind was full of question. Then Imai started the conversation.  "What is your name?"  "Inoue… Inoue Akano Ushira." Answered Inoue.  
Imai gasped… ‘The "Ushira" just like my family's' name "Aushira" 
"What about you, little girl?" smirked Inoue.  
"Imai… Imai Akane Aushira." Answered Imai with a smile.
 "Imai…huh? Well..." ‘Her name is almost the same as mine' Inoue stopped. Imai grab his hand.  
"Come on, it's not safe out here in the woods, let's go!" Imai drag Inoue to her house.  
A minute later, they arrived.  "Just come in, this is my house, my friend brought it for me, she's rich."
Inoue awkwardly go inside and follows Imai.  
"This is my room, if you don't want to sleep with me, there's a empty room over there and it's very creepy, beware of ghost." Imai make fun of him and Inoue smacked her.
 "I'm not afraid of ghost, since you live here alone."  Imai laughed.
"I'm just kidding, you can sleep on the floor in my room, don't use the empty room, it's very dusty, bad for health." Said Imai.  
"Since I just met you, how about tomorrow, we getting know each other."  "Okay!!!" agreed Imai.    

 Meanwhile in Inoue house.
 "Where the heck is Inoue? I'm worried."  "Calm down, he probably go to his girlfriend's house."
 "Inoue's girlfriend don't like him anymore, there's no way."
 "Heeeeii, shut up… go back to sleep, would you?"
 "But I can't sleep when Inoue not here."  "He will come back, I'm sure he will."  Inoue's family were worried about him and some are not. The life of the other planet was different from this.      


"Aaaaaaargh! I'm late for school!" Imai rushed off to the bathroom and Inoue just keep sleeping, ignoring the loud voice.  
A few minutes later, Imai dressed up and pick up her bags. She didn't really care about him then she left the house. Inoue opened his eyes and sigh.  
"What am I doing here in this world? I should go to school too."  
"IMAI AUSHIRA! YOU'RE LATE! GO OUTSIDE FOR 10 MINUTES!!" A history teacher yelled at her and punished her (well you know). Imai just standing outside and keep waiting.
 "I wonder what he's doing right now." Imai send a message to Inoue to make sure he's safe. "Just wait for me, Inoue."  "Hmm? A message?" Inoue read it and reply. "I'll be fine, I guess." That girl…it looks like me.
 "Imai? Imai?"
 "Eh? Y-yes? Chako?"
 "Were you daydreaming? Your food is getting cold, you know."
 "Ah… I'm sorry about that." Said Imai and eat her lunch.  
"What are you dreaming about?" asked Chako.  
"Nothing really… just dreaming about the future." Answered Imai. Imai and Chako usually eat their lunch at the rooftop, it was refreshing up there than the cafeteria.  
"So… wanna head back to class?"
 "Yeah, come on."  Both of them headed back to class and continue their students' life.  A few hours later, Imai come back from the school.
 "HEY! INOUE! I'M BACK!" Imai greeted him.
 "Ah? Welcome back, I've just made lunch, come in and take a bite," Inoue smiled at her.  
"Really? *sniff* smells nice but you don't have to cook lunch for me, I can cook it myself," said Imai.  
"Nah, it's alright, I'm just bored alone in this small house, so-"  
"Thank you, Inoue." Imai pat his head. "You're so tall."  
Inoue get this feeling that he has a special something in his heart.
 "Well then, I just gotta change my clothes then I'll be right back." Imai go upstairs with a smile on her face and at the same time, she has the same feeling as Inoue. Special something.  "Hmmm~~~ yummy." Imai eat joyfully with Inoue's food. She looks down after swallowed her food.
 "Hmm? What's wrong, Imai?" asked Inoue.  
"What is it?"
 "How did YOU get the same taste of my dishes?"  Inoue stop there and staring at her.
"What do you mean? I've never taste your dishes before," said Inoue.
Imai rushed off to the kitchen and made one dishes to Inoue.
 "Whoa, that was fast."  
"Hahahaha…!! I can cook within 3 second because I'm the queen of chef!" said Imai with heroic laugh.
 Inoue take a bite and shocked.
 "It… it… is…" Inoue trembling.
 "O… Oii… there's nothing to be scared of. I think is normal, don't you think?'  Inoue stared at Imai and then he take her hands and rushed off outside.  
"W-whoa… where are we going?" asked Imai.  
"I need to take some fresh air, I'm sick of being inside."
 "Really? Me too," said Imai.  They arrived in front of coffee shop.  
"Want to stop by here? I need to know you better."
 "Oh, right, you told me last night, okay."  "Thank you for waiting," said the waitress with two cups of iced coffee  "It's been so long since my last visit in coffee shop," said Imai while drink her iced coffee.
 "Where are your parents?"  
"Hmm..? Somewhere safe, but we're all separated."
 "Really? Hmm… well… I wish we can be separated now, we are all together and it is fun," smiled Inoue.  
"Oh, yeah, about the necklace, I still don't understand."  
"Hey, Imai, you don't have to understand, we are all different, I do not even exist in your world," pouts Inoue.  "Hehe, yeah, you're right, I'm sorry for summon you here, and I have no idea how I can get you here, so funny," giggle Imai.
  Inoue just keep staring at Imai and think. ‘Why does it look the same? Her attitude almost just like mine? Could it be? No? I need to know her better.'  "Hey, want to go shopping with me?" asked Imai with her cheerful face.
 "S-sure, why not," said Inoue.
 "Yay!" Imai cheered happily.  
‘As long as we're together, I am calm and know each other better.'

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