Chapter 15 - [Un-expected]

Start from the beginning

I hear y/n's hotel door open and I quickly run before she would see me against the wall just by the door. She'll think that I look pathetic. I hid at the end of the hallway, knowing she won't be coming here, I mean why would she, the elevator is on the other side of the way. I see her exit with two other girls that I saw us when I open the bathroom door. Y/n told me about them, but I can't seem to remember their names. Fuck, Why am I even hiding? This all is making me feel stupid. Where is y/n going anyway? She should just stay in her hotel room, so I won't worry about her bumping into those idiots from high school that used to bully her. This trip is a bad idea, why did I even agree to come here. I swear that this is going to be the last time I am agreeing with y/n to go to these kinds of stuff. 

I follow them after they made a turn, making sure that y/n or the other two girls won't notice me being a creepy ass stalker who hides after a small kiss with a girl. As y/n and her friends are about to walk into the elevator, three other girls from before walk up to her. Well Shit, why can't they just leave y/n alone.

I hope they won't do shit to her. I'll hit a girl if I have to. I am already guilty enough for treating y/n like crap in the past and it's probably my fault for all of these things that are happening to her.

They are talking, y/n's head is tilted downwards, her friends are actually taking y/n's side from what I see. If they dare to even touch her. Right at that moment, one of the girls shoved y/n to the ground. That's it, my anger is already bubbling inside me and I don't know what I might do if I keep it in for too long.



"You paid him did you bitch?" the girl with long curled hair said to me with her arms crossed and a scowl, her name is Mina, the girl who is responsible for all the bruises I had. My tears already threatening to fall. I can't show my weak side anymore, they have seen enough, I won't cry, not in front of them, I confront myself. I can't even look at her eyes because if I do, she will see my already glossy eyes and that would intrigue her more.

"It must be true, look at her trying to look innocent." she scoffs and the other two girls beside her grins in agreement. "How could you get so low even after High School?"

"Ya! At least, she looks innocent and is innocent, unlike you who looks like a slut and is an actual slut!" Jin Sol defends me and I'm glad I have her as a roommate. Umji and Jin Sol have been nothing but sweet to me since the first time I walk in the hotel room.

"What?" her voice low from irritation. "Who the hell are you?" Mina scans Jinsol. 

I gathered all the energy left in my body to look up straight into her eyes, I could feel my hands shiver from her menacing scowl. I smirk at her, trying to prove to her that I have grown stronger than before. "I actually feel bad for you. No one must have given their full attention to you. Remember David from 7th grade? He told me that you were so clingy that he decided to leave your lonely ass." I could see the flash of hurt in her eyes and somehow I know that what I just said is true for her. I continue before she could, "You are just as fucked up as anyone else really, including me. I'm pretty sure your parents chose their jobs over you because you're a fucking bitch all the time that it makes them sick." Did I go too far?  my mouth seems to work before my brain and I am actually pretty impressed with the amount of swearing I use. Taehyung must have influenced me somehow.

"What did you just say to me?" the girl screeched. Pushing me back with her long manicured finger, making me stumble back.

"That is enough!" I recognize the voice coming from behind me. I turn my head back and it's Taehyung, his face is dark, his eyes look as if he is ready to kill someone. I didn't think he would be here, I hope he didn't take what I said to heart. I might have said something that would trigger his past. 

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now