Chapter 5: The Past Comes Out

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Snow's P

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Snow's P.O.V

You have to tell them. They, especially Tony, deserve to know what you had went through. They deserve to know what the guys had done for you. I thought.

"Um, well that's a long story as well. But, we'll tell you after breakfast if you really want to know." Ron spoke.

"Okay?" Vic questioned.

The rest of the meal was filled with a awkward silence. I'm pretty sure that Darth Vader's lightsaber couldn't cut the tension, it was that thick. Once everyone was done eating and everything was cleaned up, we made our way back to the living room, which has become the main area that we gravitate to for major conversations, and sat down.

"Now, I guess I should begin with when I got to LA after I left." I started. "When I left I had enough money saved for a apartment, food, and all of the necessities that I would need. Everything was fine for about 2 month, than while I was out at a club with a few coworkers at this restaurant that I had worked at, I ended up getting drugged and I ended up getting addicted to coke and all these different things because I had trusted the wrong people. So that had gone on for about another month 'til after I had held band auditions and met Ron in a back alley that night. I was drugged out of my mind and covered in bruises and half dressed. Ron took me in and took care of me. He helped me get clean and stay clean. I relapsed once, but he was there and I had met Ryan and Nick through him and they helped me as well. When I met Jack, it was because I had took him in and got him out of a really bad situation, which I won't tell you what that was. That's Jack's place and his decision to tell you if he wants. But that's why these guys mean so much to me, and why we are all so close. We all helped each other in one way or another. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, I just didn't want you all to judge me for what I had done." I finished looking down trying to keep from crying again.

"Snow, we would never judge you for something like that. I just wish that I had left with you all those years ago. Maybe I could have protected you from everything. I'm sorry." Tony said walking over to me and kneeling down so that I could see him.

Without a second thought I lunged at Tony and cried. I cried for how much I missed him. I cried for leaving him. I cried for all the years that I had made him worry about me for my selfish decision. I just cried until I couldn't anymore. At some point during my crying fit, everyone had gathered into a group hug in an attempt to help comfort me. Vic was singing a new song called Hold On Til May,(play song now, if you would like)  from their new album. It was really good and I liked it a lot. Once I had calmed down enough to find my voice again, I joined him for end of the song.

V-"If I were you, I'd put that away. See you're just wasted and thinking about the past again. Darling you'd be okay. And she said,"

Both-"If you were me you'd do the same. Cause I can't take anymore, I'll draw the shades and close the door. Everything's not alright and I would rather." I stopped after that and let him finish the rest. 

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