Author's Note: RIP Chester Bennington

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Losing someone like Chester is extremly hard on so many people. From Linkin Park fans to Linkin Park to his friends and his family. If any one feels as though they are alone, please remember that you aren't. There will always be someone there for you to talk to. Be a family member, a friend, a teacher, or any other trusted adult. You are never alone, even when you feel as though no one cares.

Chester will be greatly missed by many, but he will never be forgotten. Losing someone like Chester proves that even the strongest people can succumb to their demons and lose if they give up on their fight. If you feel as there is on one else that you can talk to, please message me and I will try my best to help in anyway I can. Please stay alive and always keep fighting.

Let Your Dreams Breathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें