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"GRAYSON!!!" I scream from across the food court, "Anna it's not what it looks like..., this is my cousin.." Grayson says. "Oh the one I never met", "Yea, me and her were like best friends as kids" Grayson says, "Hey I'm Lilly" she says, "I'm Anna, y'all wanna go watch a movie", "YESSS, ILL DRIVE!" Grayson screams.
(Few days later, Hayley's pov)
I was finally ready to get home and finally ready to watch Jakes vlogs again! "Cmon Hayley" Grayson says with a smile. I ran to him and hugged him tightly, he picked me up and we left; hopefully he won't be like my real dad... "You want anything to eat?" He says putting me in the front seat. "How about Chick fil a?", "Sure" he says and drives off
Anna's pov
I woke to the weird sounds of the Team 10 house I look out the window to see Jake beating up the girl with brown hair, I quickly called the police, placed a hidden camera at the window and put on a hidden mic then ran outside and tried to stop him. "JAKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP!", I got a glance at the girls face it was so familiar... "get outta here Anna if you don't want this to happen to you..." he says with a death stare. The police pull into the driveway and run to the backyard "we got a call of someone harassing a girl" the cop says, "it was him, I got video and everything", "PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!" They say and throw Jake against the wall, "Go get the camera, we got an ambulance coming for the girl" the cop says. I ran as quickly as I could to get the camera and come back. As they were looking at the video I looked at the unconscious girl trying to figure out where I've seen her... "Jake what the crap..., take him on" the cop says. As they were carrying off Jake the paramedics rushed in, "Alright let's get her to the hospital" he says and puts her on the stretcher. "Can I follow behind y'all?", "Yea I guess.." he says. I sent Grayson a text saying I'll be home in a little while then followed behind the ambulance. When we got to the hospital I was told to wait in the room she was gonna be put in, a few minutes later the doctor came in and started asking me questions that I didn't know the answer to. "Do you know anything about her?" He says, "No, I'm sorry sir...", "That's alright, we will figure it out, we're gonna bring her in here and wait for her to wake up" he says and walks out. As the nurses wheel her in she opens her eyes...

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