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[Mark's Perspective]

20 minutes ago...

"Felix, dude, you gotta go sit down," I tried moving him off of the dance floor.

"BUT I WANNA PAR-TAY!" he yelled.

"No. Felix, c'mon," I grabbed his arm and dragged him to where Sean was.

Well, where he used to be at least...

"Fuck," I mumbled.

"But we only just met," Felix giggled, fluttering his eyelashes.

"You drunk piece of shit," I laughed, then though aloud, "I did tell him that I wouldn't stop him. If he really wants to do this, then he should. They deserve each other more than words."

"Who ya talkin bout?" Felix slurred.

"None of your beeswax!" I chuckled, "We should probably get home, huh?"

"Probababably," he giggled.

"Let's get your drunk ass to bed."

[Your Perspective]

"During sex I like to think about blank," Amy read the card aloud.

I giggled as I picked the perfect one. Thalia and Luna placed their cards in the pile and Amy shuffled them. As she picked them up, she read them aloud.

"During sex I like to think about...The Care Bear Stare!" she laughed as she said it, "During sex, I like to think about BATMAN!!! That's accurate."

We all started laughing.

"During sex I like to think about Bronies. Okay then," she giggled, "And the winner is....The Care Bear Stare!"

"YES!!" Thalia cheered, grabbing the black card, "So that's seven for me, two for Luna, three for Amy and five for (Y/N)!"

"That's the third time you've won!" I complained.

"Not my fault I'm good at this game," she giggled,
making me grin.

"Another round?" Luna asked, starting to deal out the cards.

"Sure, just let me get some water," I replied, walking to the kitchen.

As I grabbed a glass, there was a knock on the door. I heard Amy calling to say that she would get it, but I set the cup down and listened. Their voices were muffled, but I could make out that the person at the door was a man. Not much else.

"Please?!" I heard a desperate cry.

My heart stopped.

"Sean?" I whimpered.

Thalia came running to my side, just as I was about to fall over. She helped me onto a chair and filled up the glass I had gotten. I gulped the water down instantly and tried listening to the conversation again. It was still muffled, but a few words came out louder than others.




"What?" I whispered.

"He wants to talk to you," Thalia explained.

"What do you mean? Why?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not sure actually..." she mumbled.

I had to know. I pushed myself out of the chair and made a bee-line for the door. I only saw a glimpse of his green hair and my heart did a backflip. I walked up behind Amy, even though my whole body was screaming at me to go back.

"(Y/N)!" Sean exclaimed.

"Hi," I whispered, then turned to Amy, "Can I please talk to him?"

"Are you sure?" she looked at me, concerned.

"Yes, I am."

"Okay, we'll be upstairs if you need us."

She led Thalia and Luna up to what I assumed was my bedroom. I turned back to Sean and let him inside. He followed me to the kitchen, where I grabbed a second cup and filled them both up.

"So, how's Mark treating you?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Pretty good. I mean, I don't exactly remember if he's always like this..." he squeezed his eyebrows together.

"He's not, trust me," I giggled, watching his adorable face.

He stopped and looked at me, "(Y/N),"

"Yes?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you."

"I know."


Whoop-dee-doo! Here's another chapterino! I'm kinda in a place where I don't have any wifi and I don't wanna use up all my data...so this'll be my chapter for the weekend!

(I live in Canada and it's Thanksgiving weekend so)

Have a great thanksgiving my Canadian Babes and a happy weekend to everyone else!


- Bobby

689 words

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