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[Your Perspective]

I woke up to the sound of pots and pans. As I groggily opened my eyes, I heard someone whisper-yell.

"Felix! Be quieter!" A very peppy and girly voice said. One that I had recognized instantly.

'MARZIA!!!' I thought, quickly getting up and running to the kitchen.

I ran through the doorway and hugged her from behind because she was turned around.

"Agh!" She quietly screamed, then laughed, "Oh, (Y/N), it's just you!"

"Duh!" I giggled, letting her turn around.

"It's so nice to see you!" She smiled, pulling me into another hug.

"It's great that you two are having this big moment and all, but I need your help to make breakfast, Marzia." Felix interrupted.

"Right!" She smiled, pulling away from me, "Hey, (Y/N), how about you go get Alexis?"

"On it!" I giggled.

"SSHHH!" Felix commanded.

"Yeah whatever!" I whisper-yelled, running up the stairs.


"Why the hell would you do this?!" I heard Alexis yell.

'So much for being quiet...' I thought, getting closer to the commotion.

"What do you even care?! I though you wouldn't give a shit!!" Marco screamed in response.

"Looks like you're fucking wrong, then!!"

I heard a loud slapping noise.

'Shit, what's happening?' I thought, pushing open the door.



"Marco, get tHE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" I screamed.

"FINE!!" He yelled, storming out of the room.

"WE'RE OVER!" She called after him.

"I'M GOOD WITH THAT!" He screamed behind him.

Alexis just stood there with a red mark and a look of pure anger on her face. I wanted to ask if she was okay, but I knew how bad her temper was and I didn't want to risk it. It had been about five minutes before I noticed it. Her face was slowly becoming a frown. It wasn't until she started breaking down crying, did I go to comfort her.

"Alexis, hey, Alexis. What happened?" I asked, cradling her in a hug.

She just responded with incoherent mumbling.

"It's okay, it'll be okay..." I assured her, stroking her hair.

After she had finally calmed down, I asked her again.

"His phone had gotten a call from someone named 'Babygirl' while he was in the bathroom." She began, "I decided to answer it because it definetly wasn't me calling. Some girl on the other line just started rambling on about...things...then he came out as I was still using his phone. He freaked out talking about privacy and I confronted him. That's where the yelling started and I'm pretty sure you know it from there..."

"Wow." I was speechless.


"What a dickhead!" I exclaimed.

"Agreed." She started giggling.

"Why are you giggling? You just got dumped!" I questioned.

"First of all, I dumped him. Second, I kinda expected this too happen soon. Marco may seem like a nice guy, but he can be a real 'dickhead'." She sighed, laughing as she put air quotes around the word dickhead.

"Oh shush!" I laughed, playfully pushing her.

"Thanks, (Y/N)." Alexis smiled at me.

"It's really no problem, I would do anything for you." I grinned.

"Yeah, me too..." She trailed off.

We just sat there.

Before the complete unexpected happened.

She kissed me!

I didn't know what to do. Whether to kiss back or pull away. In the end I decided to kiss back. I was so confused. Why was she kissing me? Didn't she literally just get out of a relationship? What is happening?

That's when reality hit. And I pulled away.

"Uhhh...Marzia and Felix are cooking breakfast downstairs. It should be done in a bit. I probably need to go explain to everyone why there was screaming, since you guys probably woke them up. Uh. Yeah. Bye." I rambled, quickly walking out of the room.

'What the fuck just happened...?'


I HAVE RETURNED!!! Yeah, yeah I haven't posted in a while...but is this frickin plot twist worth it?? Please say it is! *puppy dog face*

I don't have much to say :P

If you have any questions about the book you may ask away!

Love you all!!


~Bobby <3

702 words

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