Chapter 7 - Charm

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Chapter 7 – Charm

 Donald and I were in his office looking at sports cars. “Which one should I buy?” He mumbled. “Whatever it is, make sure it’s fast,” I smiled.

“Ooo, how about this Romeo?” He beamed. “Red or black, Charm?”

“Why not both?”

He pointed his finger at me. “I like the way you think.”

Leo came running down the stairs. Donald and I looked up. “What are you doing here?” I asked. Leo pulled out a tissue. “I live here – unlike you.”

“I mean from school,” I said. “I got sent home from being too sick. Why aren’t you at school?” Leo wondered. I waved my hand. “I’m already one of the smartest beings on the planet. I don’t think I need school.”

“Donald,” Tasha came in. Her voice was sweet and delicate – she must have messed up. “When I used your credit card it got declined. Something might be wrong with it.”

There is was. She couldn’t use Donald’s money. “She totally spent all your money,” Eddie said. I tried to cover my laugh but it failed.

“I did not!”

“Saving some for a face lift?”

Tasha lunged for the computer, but Leo held her back. Eddie was always such a funny jerk.

Donald opened up his bank account. “The card is completely maxed out with purchases I didn’t make; a speed boat, a plane ticket, hair dye.”

The three of us glared at Donald. “It wasn’t me this time, I swear,” He snapped. I leaped off the filing cabinet and patted his back. “Don’t worry, Donald. I’ll help you find out what happened.”

A small part of me hoped it was Aerie. I just wanted a small hint she was alive after a month.

Donald tried to access his hologram TV. “Any luck on finding the hackers?” He sighed. Leo spun his chair around. “Whoever did this really covered their tracks,” He frowned. I marched in. “I’ve found nothing using NSA technology. This person is mad.”

Eddie flashed onto the monitor. “I don’t have any fingerprints or DNA, but I have a sketch of what the perp looks like,” Eddie said. Tasha’s photo appeared on screen. There was nothing but silence among them. Eddie growled, “Come on! Aerie would have found it hilarious!”

“But she’s not here!” I shouted. “Aerie’s gone and she isn’t coming back!”

Leo stood up. “We should get some air,” Leo whispered. Donald nodded. “I’ll drive us to Shake Shack.”

Donald, Leo, and I took a drive out to the city.  I pulled into a drive through and ordered us food. I was driving as Donald was using his tablet. “Every one of my worldwide facilities was hacked. Every database – every infrastructure – gone.”

I paid the cashier and handed Leo the food. “What are we going to do?” Leo asked.

“This is no ordinary hacker,” He muttered. “This is obviously someone who hates me and wants to ruin my life.”

“Could be anyone,” Leo mumbled before shoving a burger into his mouth.

“I’m going to have to call the FBI.”

Donald pulled out the phone. “I’ll drive us back home,” I said. Donald began talking on the phone to an agent.

Leo leaned over from the back seat to talk to me. “What do we do in the mean time?” Leo asked. “Hack into Davenport’s computers. We need to retrace all the steps of the hacker,” I said.

Leo began to whisper. “Charm, are you scared?” He asked. I nodded slowly. Leo kept his eyes on me, but I couldn’t look at him. “Thanks. I wanted you to be my rock, but I guess we’re all scared.”

“It’s hard going against ghosts, Leo. You can’t see them, but you can feel them.”

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