Chapter 5 - Bree

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*Thanks for the support guys! I just wanna say that this is a short one. This chapter includes the ending "Avalanche" and only a part of  "Memory Wipe." After this there will only be about 4 chapters of "No Going Back".

Chapter 5 – Bree

“We’ll find him, I promise,” Donald said as we entered the lab. I couldn’t believe we lost Chase and Aerie. I didn’t know how heartbreaking it was. Charm must be devastated. 

“Chase,” Donald gasped. I looked up to see my little brother standing behind the hologram board. Then the devil himself revealed himself. “Before you say anything I’m not here for you,” Douglas said.

“Chase, get away from him,” Donald said.

“I’m locating Aerie,” Douglas explained. “I want her safe.”

“You want me controlled,” Aerie muttered. We looked to the elevator door to see Aerie glaring at Douglas. 

“Sweetheart!” He exclaimed. “You knew I would be tracked so you hacked into my GPS signal and set it to your coordinates. You wanted someone to find me so they could take you back here,” Aerie explained.

Douglas pressed his lips together. It looked like he was trying to form a lie. “Actually I did want to find you myself and give them a fake coordination, but you’ve always been smarter than me,” Douglas shrugged. 

Leo ran into the lab. “Don’t you hate it when someone warned you not to do something and you did it anyway and now there is no way to reverse it, but you hope there might be?”

“Well,” Douglas began. He began inching towards the door. “I’m going to get out of this Leo of a situation.”

“He says it too?” Leo snapped. “Let him go, there’s nothing of importance on the USB,” Chase said. Douglas stood up straight. “Then what took an hour to download?” He gasped. 

“Everything Adam has ever eaten.”

“Not my Incredible Edibles!”

Aerie grabbed the gun from Leo and froze Douglas. “Aerie,” Both my brothers began. She turned around and went towards the elevator. “No! The last thing she needs is to talk to a boy,” I snapped.

I chased after. “Stay away from me, Bree,” Aerie said. The elevators shut. I ran up the stairs with my super speed. 

I leaned against the elevator buttons to catch my breath. Aerie walked passed me without a word. 

“Aerie, where are you going?” I shouted. She spun around. “I’m leaving – I don’t care where, but I have to go!”

“Please! Adam loves you. Don’t leave him – don’t leave us!”

“I can’t stay here – they’re going to make me go haywire again!”

Adam, Chase, and Leo ran into the room. “Aerie, can we talk?” Adam asked. She shook her head silently. “I’m done, Adam.”

Chase pulled out a device. He put it in front of Aerie’s eyes. The device flashed. Aerie stood there silently. 

“Davenport created the Memory Wiper. It erases all memories,” Chase said carefully. Aerie slowly closed her eyes. “I don’t know where I am,” She said.

“How far did you erase her memory?” I asked. The four of us stared at X003. She looked blankly at our eyes. 

“I erased six days. Before the dance and before Adam cloned himself.”

“Meatball?” Adam whispered. 

Aerie began muttering numbers. Her voice was barely detectable. “010001000110010101110011011101000111001001101111011110010010000001000010011010010110111101101110011010010110001101110011,” She mumbled at a very fast rate. Chase looked back at the memory wiper.

“What is she saying, Chase?” Leo asked. When Aerie finished she turned away from us. She started running. She ran right through the door and didn’t stop.

“What happened?” Adam gasped. Chase shut his eyes. He knew what went wrong. “I thought I erased six days.”

“How many days did you erase?” Adam growled. 

Chase pressed his lips against each other. He made a huge mistake and knew it. “I erased six months. That was before she knew us.”

“So we get a clean slate, what’s the big deal?” Leo shrugged.

I sat down on the couch. “Before she knew us she was under Douglas’ control, Leo.”

Chase put down the memory wiper. “I have to tell Charm,” He said, running out the door. Adam held the small machine. He sat down on the barstool across from Leo and I. “What do we do now, guys?”

Leo and I looked at each other. “Adam,” Leo said finally breaking it to him. “I don’t think we should look for Aerie anymore.”

I nodded. “Last time Aerie tried to kill us, you two were dating. Your love saved us. But now that Aerie has no idea who we are, she’s a walking time bomb and we don’t know how to stop her.”

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