Chapter 4 - Chase

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                                                          Chapter 4 – Chase

Adam, Bree, and I had to talk in the living room. I needed to tell them about Aerie’s condition. “How could you do that to Aerie?” Bree scowled. “I can’t even imagine loving a replica of Owen.”

Adam kept his head in his hands. His legs didn’t shop shaking. I played with the phone in my hand. “She’s still missing,” I mumbled. Adam leaped up. “I’m sorry, okay?” He shouted. He kicked the coffee table into the air. 

“I didn’t know what was going on!”

“No, you didn’t know how she felt!” I shouted. I leaped to my feet and faced my brother. Adam started breathing like an angry bull. “She would have been sane if you let me be with her!”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Adam shouted. “Chase, I have no idea what I’m doing. I know I’m selfish for caring about her, but please, Chase! Don’t remind me!”

My body froze. Was I that much of a threat to Adam’s relationship?

Leo entered the room. “Chase, Davenport wants to see you,” He mumbled. My lips went numb as I tried to apologize to Adam. I turned around and went to the lab. 

Davenport was waiting for me in the lab with the monitors on. Charm was on the other end of the screen. “Have you found Aerie?” I asked. Charm looked at Davenport. “I need to speak to him privately.”

“No way. Aerie is lost. She’s not my daughter, but I love her too,” Donald scowled. Charm rolled her eyes. “Donald, I can easily hack into your bank funds rendering you broke in a second.”

Donald pushed me out of the way. “You’re a monster, Charm!”

The elevators shut leaving me alone in the lab. “Anything on your sister?” I asked. Charm nodded. “I’ve gotten the last of her coordinates.”

“The last?” I repeated.

“Her coordinates said she was in Antarctica two hours ago. Then she must have known I was tracking her.”

“Let me see the coordinates,” I said.

“Chase, it’s my duty to protect her from herself.”

“Then who’s going to protect you, Charm?” I asked. Charm again stood silently. “There is a patrol out there that can reach in by tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Aerie may be in danger. They might be too late.”

“Chase!” She shouted. “I need you to hook me up to Donald’s facility in Russia! There they can reach her.”

I bit my tongue. Humans would take too long to reach her. I grabbed Donald’s tablet and began looking up a way to contact Davenport’s Russian facility. “I’m emailing the contacts now.”

“Thank you, Chase.”

We sat in silence as we waited for a reply from Russia. “How’s Adam?” She asked. “He said it would have been better if I dated Aerie,” I replied. Charm rolled her eyes and laughed. “I never figured you for the relationship type. You would have made a good couple though.”

I woke up in my mission suit. My jacket was on a heated iron rod that warmed it up. Fire kept me from freezing in the small tent. 

“Want some soup?” A voice asked. I sat up and looked around. My vision was slightly dazed, but I managed to find myself. “Wha?” I began. “It’s Tuscan bean. I learned it in school in the 90’s.”

I looked up to see Douglas sitting beside me. “Damn it,” I whispered. “I bet its poison.”

“Yes, I flew 10,000 miles around the globe, dug you out of an avalanche, and brought you back to my tent to poison you.”

I snatched the cup from his hand. The Tuscan soup was – actually good. “Pretty good for a diabolical maniac,” I muttered. He smiled happily. As he gleamed, I knew I had to leave him. I grabbed my jacket. “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked. “Out there is better than in here. I’m not dying with you,” I replied. “Davenport made this jacket to withstand temperatures below -45 degrees.”

“The weather out there is -50 degrees,” Douglas replied. 

I paused. “Well Adam and Bree know where I am.”

Douglas stood up to show me his tablet. “Yea, but they’re turning back. I’m tracking them with their GPS. Those are their dots.”

I saw a green and pink dot turning back to go south. “You’re stalking us?” I snapped. Douglas grabbed the tablet. He hugged it to his chest as he looked away. “I’m lovingly lurking in the shadows.”


“So what’s next on your agenda? Building bombs? Taking money from old ladies? Conquering a small country?” I wondered. Douglas shrugged. He took a sip before saying, “Not in that order. Chase, I’m not that much of a bad guy.”

I crossed my arms. “You locked us in a dungeon, tried to make Aerie a weapon, and turn us into your bionic soldiers!”

“So I went a little overboard on the abduction thing. I wasn’t going to hurt anybody. I just wanted to get back at Donald.”

“When will you two grow up?” I muttered. Douglas sat up. “I’ll grow up when he grows up!”

Of course he would react that way. Douglas leaned against the pillar. “You don’t know what it’s like having someone steal everything you worked hard for. Donnie gets all the credit. I know why you’re here, Chase. You felt the same way when Adam took Aerie from you.”

“Except I don’t want to get back at Adam,” I growled. “I just want Aerie back.”

“I can get her for you. Don’t you think I want my sweetheart back?” He asked. “I remember programing her first words and creating codes to help her walk. All I need to do is activate the chip inside her. She was built with a GPS that even she doesn’t know about.”

Douglas held out his hand. “You take me to Donald’s lab where I can reinstall her GPS, then you can have your girl back.”

I hesitated. I knew I wanted Aerie back, but to what extent?

Heartbleed Virus (Lab Rats Fan-Fic Series On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now