Chapter 1

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Lara and her boyfriend are at it again. I can hear their shouts through the thin walls. they think that if they shout downstairs i wouldn't be able to hear them. but sadly i can. i sigh and walk into the bathroom. today i will finally be able to get out of here for the day. quickly i jump into the shower. once I'm done i get out and brush my hair into a messy bun. i then put on a bit of makeup and slide into black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. Hopefully Eric doesn't have such a hard job for me today. i grab my backpack and run downstairs. "oh! your leaving Alison?" I sighed. you see.. my sister is Lara. shes super nosy and basically uptight. shes 25. she looks the exact opposite of me. she has curly black hair and brown eyes. she has a long slender face with a small nose, and shes around 5'7. As kids she was always the nerd type. she got perfect grades. She was super popular in high school though, and she had a "perfect" boyfriend.. well did. now all her and her boyfriend do is fight. Lara is training to be a nurse.. Me on the other hand.. I have light straight blonde hair and green eyes. I'm 18 and unlike my sister i have a more rounder face and a slightly bigger nose. I'm around 5'3 and i honestly don't have the best looks as in face or body wise. my sister has that perfect flawless glowing skin everyone wishes they had, and her body? well lets just say she had tons of guys after her for it. growing up i had a bit of acne problems. its not that bad now. i mean i still get a couple pimples here and there sometimes.
i have quite a strong upper body. I have fairly skinny arms.. my boobs aren't the biggest and my stomach isn't as flat as i wish it was. i don't have a big thigh gap either.. its about half an inch. my legs are probably one of the worst things about me.
During school i didn't  have much friends, but i didn't like people so who really cares.
"Yeah. I'm going out." i state. "oh" she says and puckers her lips. i roll my eyes and walk outside. I hop in my car throwing my bag into the seat beside me. I then reach into it and pull out a black short wig. The hair just reaches my shoulders. I quickly fix the hair around my face then pull a little package out of my bag. i open it up and take coloured contacts out. I put them in my eyes and look into the mirror at my now bright blue eyes. i sigh and apply a bit of pink lipstick on my lips then apply some mascara and blush. I glance into the mirror. I look nothing like Alison. Now I'm Shay.

Hello guys(: so im writing this new fanfic, i have about 5 chapters written down i just need to type them out. I dont have internet so its going to be quite hard so bare with me haha. Anyways sorry if theres spelling mistakes.. promise nathans in next chapter(; 

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