Part 7

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“As sweet as Abrazas was to me, he was equally as controlling. I was his darling little ruby, his little gem, his fucking battery.” The way Dark spat out the last ‘pet name’ told you that this was just an assumption dealing with the way he was used. The demon calmed himself quickly and continued like nothing had happened “ he used to put it, the nickname was given to me because of my eye color.” He let out a quiet sigh, toying with his pocket square as he thought, knowing he should go back to explain why Abraxas was so terrifying. “Remember how I mentioned, how beautiful the opal was in Abraxas’s skin? Well those opals, made him that much more intimidating when he was angry, they glowed with his anger, you see unlike my make up, which has breaks in the skin for heat to be released from my muscle, Abraxas lacked that, leading to one, his hotter core, and two the furious almost black glow that emanated from the darkness in his veins when he raged. It was a lovely storm, a dangerous one for sure, but breath taking at the very least.” Dark looked down at the ground, his arms hugging around his waist as he kicked at the floor. “I learned over the years that using my healing abilities, truly aids myself in mental destruction of victims… but the way I discovered that was from Abraxas.” Dark bit his lip and removed his suit jacket, and very slowly began to unbutton his shirt. “Every time he got angry with me, he cracked me again and again and again.” Opening the black shirt the demon exposed his smooth muscular chest and snapped his fingers. The expanse in front of you changed abruptly, black marble like skin flowed over the soft gray like molten rock, growing into place and expanding until it split, revealing a blazing expanse of muscle. Every time Dark took a breath, the tissue expanded and glowed like hot embers, but the cracks around the split where concerning. “Anytime he broke me, I immediately went into a panic, healing myself quickly and sometimes fixing it.” His fingers brushed over a smooth area.

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