Part 5

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The demon looked off to the side and sighed, “I think we need to switch gears before I get ahead of myself and completely forget about this part. Now Abraxas obviously isn’t the only demon apart of this story besides myself. There was another, one I used to consider my best friend until- well we’ll get to that.” Dark moved his hands and straightened his tie, standing slowly, he rebuttoned his suit jacket and walked to the other side of the room. “If you didn’t know, I was spawned, June 6th, 1400, in human time. Taking the time to explain the dating system I grew up with would take far too long to explain. Sitri, was spawned the day before me, and for some reason he hadn’t bothered to leave the spawn point as basically everyone else did. I met him practically five minutes into my existence, and we were friends since.” Dark paced to the other side of the room almost acting as if he was looking out for someone. “I did everything with him. He was a mid-class shadow demon and a lot smaller than I.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he walked to the other side of the room again and back. “We kept each other company in our earlier years, as we both figured out what we were doing in life, learning how use our abilities and what not. As time went on, I suppose Sitri grew jealous of my rank and power, but at the time I couldn’t tell, I know realize that he grew to hate me and that realization makes everything about my past so much clearer.” He cleared his throat, taking another trip across the room. “It wasn’t my fault that I was created the creature I was or really the fact that I contained a considerable amount of energy. Was I a show off? Yes, I love attention, you all know this, and I suppose this is how Sitri grew to loathe me, I could do things he couldn’t and I did them often. I was a prick, but I never thought I deserved what he had done to me in return.” Dark stopped mid step and closed his eyes. “This is where my trust issues started, you can thank Sitri for jump starting that problem.”

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