Part 4

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Dark leaned forward in his seat after taking a short moment to pause and collect himself. “He wasn't always as terrible as I make him out to be and sometimes I find myself thinking, was it all just misunderstood misconstrued lash outs? Was he just like me?” The demon rubbed his knee absentmindedly shifting back in his chair. “I don't think you all understand how painful it is when someone labels me as something I'm not. I'm sure many of you know, in a sense, what I mean… and I'm sure there are a few of you that are listening to me now that have been snapped at by me for assuming things.” He picked at his pant leg for a moment, removing a few specks of lint, smoothed down the material and continued. “As much as I hate Abraxas for everything he's done to me, I find that stupid miniscule part of me deep inside that once loved him and it just gives me the thought, ‘there are people out there that think same as you, Valac.’ and it's a war of emotions.” Dark shifted in his seat, resting his elbow on the armrest and cradling his forehead in his hand. “But as I was saying before, that time I left to help jumpstart my soul collection was the first time he actually got angry with me. Most other times I spent by his side, he was constantly giving me gifts, showering me with praise, making me feel like I was really something special, and when you're an arrogant fuck like me, it really boosts your ego. So all of you here can thank him and Mark, well Mark just a bit, for the size of my ego, and even though it seems pompous, I'm glad my ego is as big as it is.” The demon cleared his throat moving back to the actual story. “Most days Abraxas had me on cloud 9, I was so infatuated, so desperate for his praise, I would carry out and cling to everything he said. He practically brainwashed me and I hate myself for letting it happen so easily, but once again I was young and when you're young and naive and someone tells you they love you, you're going to believe them, and I REALLY, truly believed him. What a mistake...”

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