Chapter 7

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Skate's POV
"You do? Wow." He smiled wide enough to see his dimples.

"Harry, you don't understand." I spoke.

Confusion took over his face.

"I have loved you. Since... Forever. Since we met, I loved you. But, you know. That night... You hit me. It just all got so hard, so complicated!" I finished.

"I'm sorry." His voice cracked as he looked down, and shook his head slightly.

"It's- I mean I'd say it's okay. But, it's just-"

"It's not okay Skate. It never will be okay. It never would had been okay. If I did that to anyone! If anyone did that to anyone! But especially what I did to you, because I love you so fucking much Skate. It hurts me to know I hurt you so bad." Harry whimpered.

"Harry, I love you enough to forgive you... Or at least try. Maybe you can make it up to me..?" I smiled.

"Yes. I know exactly the way, too!" He yelped like a little boy.

I smiled, deeply.

Harry's POV


Skate and I were sitting in our tree house in Her backyard. Talking about things that we wanted to be when we were older. And just asking questions in general.

"What do you want to be when you're older?"

"Ooh! Ooh! I know I know this one. I want to be a teachaw!" Skate yelled.
"What do you want to be Hawwy?"

Skate and I both couldn't say our R's. That's one reason we were so close.

"I want to be... Hmm... A Wace caw dwiva!"

****(Race Car driver)****

"Ooh Hawwy that would be so cool!" Skate yelped and jumped to give me a hug.

"Hmm okay skate. What is your favowit pwace?"

"The cawnival!"


"Skate! I remember now. When we were younger, in pre-k. We would always go into our treehouse. And I remember asking you, where your favorite place was. That is where I am taking you,"
"Okay, I really have to go. I'll see you at school tomorrow, love." I jumped up and kissed Skate on the cheek and head.

We mumbled "I love you's." And I left, with a smile on my face.

Harry styles bullies me.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum