Chapter 4

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"Kiss me."

"Are you okay? I think you're feeling a it off. Here sit down." I spoke.

"Skate," Harry said grabbing my hand, and holding it tightly.

"Just kiss me, you need to."

I stayed silent, and backed away.


I looked up at the voice.

"I'm not going to kiss you Harry," I spoke.

His eyes flashed with pain for a minute.

"You didn't let me finish. You have to kiss me. The guy always has to do it first." I smiled. Genuinely smiled and he smiled back.

Harry stood up and walked close to me. When he got to me he looked me in the eyes.

"Skate, I've never realized what color your eyes were." He spoke In amazement.

"Yeah, brown. Such a fun color." I joked.

"Yeah. But they're- they're unique. They're beautiful." He said smiling.

I smiled back.

Harry put four of his fingers on the side of my head, and his thumb on either sides of my cheeks.

He leaned in, and my whole life seemed to flash right in front of me.

He gently placed his lips onto mine and he smiled into the kiss.

As we pulled away, he whispered something. He was too quiet to hear though.

"Let's go to sleep." He said


"Here." he spoke.


"Skate wake up! Skate," I heard my mother speak.

"What?" I asked confused.

Oh my God. That was all a dream, Jesus Christ help me. I'm going mad.

"Skate I'm going out," my mum spoke.

"Yeah, Of Course you are, have fun."


On my walk to school I was very surprised to not bump into Harry, and get a usual morning beating.

"Hey, Bonde." I hear a familiar voice.

"Styles," I spoke, making eye contact with Harry.

"Why didn't I see you yesterday to do our little project? Oh yeah, that's right. I beat your ass up for being a sassy Cunt." He smirked.

Here we go.

"Listen, Harry. I don't know what I ever did to you, to deserve all this shit. You don't understand this life I live. Everything is a lie. And I can't trust anyone. Please just stop hurting me. It's my last year of school. I want to make it a good one."

He was speechless.

He just turned around, still standing still.

Next thing I know, two strong arms are wrapped around me.

"Skate," Harry whispered into my neck.

"H-Harry.." I tried saying smoothly, which didn't work out so well.

"Do I scare you Katelynn?" He mimicked.

"Harry. Do not call me katelynn. Everyone calls me Skate and that is what I will be called by you too." I spoke.

Harry's Pov-

"Harry. Do not call me katelynn. Everyone calls me Skate and that is what I will be called by you too." She whispered.

"Why not? Katelynn fits you."

"Okay, If Katelynn fits me then Harold fits you."

I rolled my eyes and walked towards her.

"Okay," She cleared her throat.
"Then I'm going to call you Harold."

"Don't bother.." I began.

She looked up at me waiting for me to continue.

"Some other whore already does." I winked and walked away leaving her speechless.


§Two weeks Later§

(Still Harry's POV)

"Styles, you better not run this time." The man spoke.

"What if I do?"

"You son of a bitch," the man began

When he turned to spit on the ground, and ran for it.

"JOE GET EM" The man yelled.

I heard gun shots, and yells. And cars zooming to catch up to me.

"Got ya now little guy,"
"Joe, Mikey. Get the bat."

"PLEASE NO." I yelled.

"Harry, Harry are you okay? Harry wake up! Harry it's alright."

I open my eyes to see a beautiful, unfamiliar face in front of me.

Skate's Pov~

"Skate, why do you look so- different?"

"I didn't cover up my bruises and cuts on my face today.." She mumbled loud enough for me to here.

"Skate-" I began

"Harry are you okay? Honestly? What were you dreaming about...?"

Moments after begging Harry to tell me what he dreamt about he finally spoke up.

"Okay. It all happened when I was younger. In Middle School. In Middle School, I lived in Cheshire for a bit." He began.

"Cheshire, as In the UK?" I asked.

"Anyway, I would always walk around happily by myself or with my friends through Cheshire. I was genuinely happy. I was never ever that happy. Until, my parents got divorced. That's when things got bad. I kind of was suicidal I guess you could say. I would harm myself. I wouldn't eat. Nothing. I put my hair in front of my face. Wore black. So people called me 'Emo' or 'Goth'. They would make fun of me everyday. Some people did it physically. Most, did it verbally. Some even did it mentally. They would just look at me and laugh. Probably thinking I was a fuck up or something."

"Oh my God. Harry I-"

"I don't need pity,"
"So, my dream. It was like- a flashback I guess. To when these three guys, Mikey, Joe, And Tino. They would hurt me and bully me every fucking day! And it was them trying to hurt me." He spoke through gritted teeth as tears came out but he slowly pried them away.

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