The Opportunity

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Artemis POV (Surprised right?)

I was nervously pacing in my brother's temple, waiting to see if Perseus was okay. 'Why am I even worried? He's just a stupid male,' I thought. 'Yeah but he's the best male to ever live, and I don't want to see him die,' I thought back. I was about to go on with my mental argument when I heard footsteps.

"Apollo, is he okay?" I asked nervously, still pacing.

"Why don't you ask him little sis?" He asked. I glare up at him for calling me 'little sis' when I saw Perseus standing next to him.

Before I knew what I was doing, I ran straight at Perseus and gave him a huge hug, like he might disappear. After a moment or two he wrapped his arms around me. I tried to hold back the tears and I successfully did, but barely.

"It's okay Lady Artemis. I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Then I realized what I was doing. I slowly disentangled my arms from around his extremely chiseled body, 'BAD ARTEMIS, YOU ARE AN ETERNAL MAIDEN!' I thought to myself. I had a slight blush on my cheeks.

"I wasn't worried about you... I... I was just afraid Olympus was going to lose their greatest hero. That's all," I stammered a little bit while I was staring at my feet.

"Of course m'lady," He said politely. 'Gods he is just perfect isn't he?' I thought to myself and didn't even reprimand myself for thinking that.

"Okay guys let's head to the throne room. Percy said that he wanted to go there anyway and I promised to update the others when Percy was awake so let's get on our way," Apollo told us as he led us out the door. As we were walking, I slipped my hand into Perseus's for comfort and for the thought of knowing that he was still there. He looked at me surprised, but I didn't give him any attention, I just kept walking. I didn't want to admit it, but I knew I had a small crush on him, ever since he saved me from the sky. I just never accepted those feelings until, well I guess about now. He just was so kind and polite. I knew I was falling for him, but I didn't care. I was falling in love with a man and I didn't care. 'Gods I must be going insane, what is wrong with me?' I thought.

"We've arrived!" Apollo announced when he opened the doors. As they were opening, I took my hand or of Perseus's and headed to my throne along with my brother. We sat down, and everyone turned their attention to Perseus.

"Perseus Jackson, its good to see you're okay . Why do you wish to see us?" My father boomed, as everyone, me included, looked at him in shock to what he said to Perseus at first.

" I have a request Lord Zeus."

"What is it boy?"

"I wish...



I wish to die..."

Then chaos erupted in the throne room. Many looked appalled (Poseidon, Apollo, Hestia, Hades (A/N Both received their thrones thanks to Percy at the end of BOO), Hermes, Aphrodite, and me), some looked shocked (Hephaestus, Zeus, Hera, Demeter, and Athena), while some looked bored (Ares and Dionysus).

"What why?!" Poseidon asked his favorite son. I wanted to ask the same, but knew that if I did some people would start to catch on to my feelings.

"I... I don't have a purpose anymore, no one wants me and... I... I just can't continue on with this life."

"Oh you poor poor darling. I don't know how you survived that. It must've been awful," Aphrodite said, actually sounding genuine.

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