Attempt No. 1

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The door squeaked open. Chaos. Why am I not surprised? Woah, wait was I being sarcastic just now? Ugh..Cana-what'shisname is starting to rob off on me.

I looked up to see no one paying attention to me. Well I guess I didn't announce my heroicness like usual but I thought they didn't like that. Oh well, who gives a fuck. I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me and saw-I forgot his name but I'm pretty sure it has an A in it staring right back at me.

"HEY DUDE!" I yelled at him from across the room. He's sighing? Must be from my awesomeness. I saw Germany beside him. He wasn't paying attention either!


America pouted. So adorable! Now if only he could stop being such an oblivious bastar-eh.. I mean um... Oh who cares anymore there was a shit ton of swear words in the fic already anyway. Canada sighed again.

Oh look! Britain actually pays attention to the one he (blatantly) used to love the most. Keyword used to. Canada doesn't know whom he loves the most currently and frankly gives absolutely zero fucks.

In case you haven't noticed, Canada doesn't like Britain. At all. If anything he hates him. I wonder why?

It's kinda ironic actually, he's the only one who doesn't-


Goddammit America.


"I hate westerners," China said as he covered his ringing ears. Why, oh why does he have to get stuck with these sorry excuse of human beings? Then again you can't exactly call them human beings. But I digress.

"And why exactly are you an hour and a half late?" Germany glared hard enough to melt steel. Not that America noticed. That immature brat is denser than platinum. Speaking of which, China turned around to look at said brat. "Pay. Debt," He was starting to get impatient at the boy. Calm down China. Remember, everything comes to he who waits [1].

"Ah, give me a few-" China decided to be rude. "What? Days? Years? How long are you going to keep this up?" He could hear something coming out of the younger one's mouth. "What did you say?"

"A few hours. We still have a meeting to attend." He blinked. Well, that was uncharacteristic. "He's right," Germany was still glaring. "And I'd appreciate it if there were no disruptions." China let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine," he gave a pointed stare to America "We'll talk later."


I hate economics. The USA decided for the nth time. Booooooooooooooored. So. Bored. If slamming his head on the desk wouldn't make him look bad he'd probably have concussion the next morning. Why can't they talk about something else for once? Like archeology. Archeology's cool.

"That's it for today. Until tomorrow." Thank God. He picked up his 'notes' and, stuff. "Where do you think you're going aru?" Oh, right. This shit first.

Stupid congress always raising the debt limit.

"Nowhere.. " He added a despondent sigh. "Excuse me Mr. America!" Lithuania? "What is it? Be quick." Geez, the old man is crankier than usual, he noted as China glared at the brunette. "May I talk to you for a minute?" Lithuania stood his ground. "Uh-well," His eyes flickered to them both. He may not like economics but he's already stalling for a while now. Also China's glaring at him. "Sorry dude can't talk right now. Text you later?"

"Oh-uh, okay. Sorry for the disturbance," The Baltic walked off to the door. "Finally," He heard a scoff from beside him. "Let's get down to business." To defeat, the huns~

What? He liked Disney.


"-transfer it by tomorrow," He finished off. Finally... He stood up-"One last thing." Are you shitting me. "What's your specialty?"

"Eating 15 hamburgers in a minute." He really didn't have the patience anymore. "Goodbye," He said politely and sprinted to the door not so politely. "Get back here, aru!" Hahaha no. Luxury hotel room here I come!

While he was walking down the street his phone vibrated. He ignored it. A few minutes later and came another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. Suffice to say he was not pleased. He finally checked the notifications. This better be important.

Lithuania: Mr. America can we talk?

France: America do you have time to visit your big brother? I miss you! <3

Not-Commie Korea: Hey, let's hang out da ze!

Commie-Bastard: America why don't we have a chat da?

Japan: America-san would you like to play the new games I bought, with me?

What in tarnation?! Why is the Commie-Bastard texting him? And what's with everyone wanting to see him anyway? He opened his hotel room. Whatever, he'll think about it tomorrow.


How? He just saw the bloody git this morning in the lobby! Why the bloody hell-! "Sorry I'm late! I got lost in the road of life," America grinned sheepishly. "What kind of lame excuse is that?!" Britain yelled angrily."Just sit down America." Germany rubbed his temples. The UK can't help but pity the poor lad.

As the meeting progressed he can't help but notice some of the nations kept glancing at America. It's because of yesterday isn't it? Guilt built up in his chest. It's entirely his fault. All those years ago he forgot to tell the boy about magic. How can he be so daft?! And now...America laughs at a mere mention of it. Why did he have to grow up so fast? He mentally slapped himself. No use in thinking about it now.

He glanced to the podium. What were they talking about again? Oh right, the exciting topic of climate change. Britain checked his wristwatch. And only a mere 3 more hours until lunch break.




[1] Chinese proverb I found on the internet

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