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The Italies can paint. North Italy can paint the past and South Italy can paint the present. Germany can enforce certain 'laws' within his territories. Prussia can wrap magic. England can warp magic (There's a difference). France's food can either heal or poison you. China uses ancient magic. Japan can immerse himself in any magic. Russia can freeze most nations. Canada can make illusions, and so on and so forth.

It's not really that simple but you'll figure that out later. Essentially this is what all the nations have. Magical abilities. They can do incredible things that you can only dream of (as if being an immortal personification of a country isn't enough). Their magic can reduce other nations hp (health points), and deplete their own mana (energy), depending on their abilities. Those said abilities I mentioned are the nation's specialties. Every nation has one. Whatever it may be. The more powerful they are, the more mana and specialties they have. Former empires lose extra abilities, and superpowers gain extra abilities or more mana.

For thousands of years, since the beginning of human history, the nations have always had these powers. Their magical prowess are a necessary bond between the earth and their people, making themselves absolutely vital in the up keeping and collective strength of their countries. Indeed, it was without question that every nation had magic---this was an unwritten rule, and a law every personification knew to be true.

Except for one...


It's ridiculous once you think about it. For four hundred years, he was alive. For four hundred years that America has existed, someone, anyone could've taken a minute to explain it to him. Four. Hundred. Years. That's, what? Five times the average human life span (79 years)? After all, how old are you? 16? 25? Not over 35 yet I'm sure. You see, our lifetime is just laughable compared to four hundred years.

....And yet, somehow...

He's still ignorant to it all.

America's specialty is super magic resistance. He can reject any magic used around him and/or on him.

And absolutely no one told him that he has magical abilities. Shenanigans ensue.

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