It Started Like This

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America was late for the world meeting. Absolutely no one was surprised at this development, and it left our one dear Canadian wondering. He never really understood why his brother kept arriving late, because more often than not they always took the same flights. He was right here, 30 minutes before the meeting was to start. Why? Well as much as they disagree (Like that one time he listed all his brother's faults for three hours straight. Not one of his best ideas) they're still brothers. And when it comes down to it they love each other to pieces.

Not that either of them will ever admit it though.

He checked his phone again 10:11. The meeting was supposed to start at 9:00. He sighed. "Where the bloody hell is that idiot?!" he didn't bother to look up to see who said that. "Just start without him, aru!" Canada glanced at Germany who's standing beside him. He looks more infuriated by the second. "Should just always hold the meeting in my territory. Make sure no one can be late then." Germany murmured to a, what he thinks at least, is an empty chair.

Ah, yes. Germany's specialty, to able to make rules that any nation has to follow without exception. Very useful he would say. The only downside is that the nation has to be in German territory. That is certainly not an easy feat. If you're going to be at least mildly friendly with the EU, you're chances of being able to maintain that said relationship and stay away from Germany (the country) are slim to none.

"I say you make a rule to prevent America from using magic at all! That will teach the wanker a lesson!" Britain having heard the whole thing, 'politely' suggested. France jumped up from his seat "Mon ami, how can you say such a thing, our magic is what keeps our countries running! If we take that away, who knows what will happen to poor Amerique and his nation!"

"Excuse me Britain, but I agree with France. I don't think that's a good idea. America is very tardy but that's just too far," said Canada, fully expecting for them to ignore him- like always, and leave him sitting in suppressed anger and frustration-like always.

Miracles of miracles everyone looked at him.

Well... This is new.

"Well then, um..." Germany looked at him half guiltily and half confused. He guessed remembering his name was a bit too much to ask for. "Canada. My name is Canada." An idea popped into his head. He turned to look at all the occupants of the room. This is going to be hilarious "I suggest you just forbid him from only using his specialty instead. It's still very severe but it won't be too damaging." Secretly, he casted an illusion over his face to hide his devious expression. Oh, how he loved his specialty.

"Everyone who is in favor of this idea please raise your hand," it seems the specification of 'in favor' was unnecessary. Everybody raised their hands. "Very well, from this then on all meetings are in Germany, and America is not allowed to use his specialty in meetings," America's numerous enemies cheered.

"You shitheads act as if you know his specialty in the first place," said a green-eyed Italian. The very real green-eyed Italian, and certainly not an illusion he made for a prank. After all, it's not like he can make himself invisible with his magic and figure out each nation's personality traits and copy them perfectly. What a ludicrous concept!

"Of course we know America's specialty it's-" Germany stopped himself midway. "It's...What is it?" The stern nation grew more and more bewildered as time passes. Canada looked at the rest of the room's occupants. He noticed Britain's guilty look first.

Oh, he should...

Everyone else had the same look as Germany in varying degrees. Well, that is if you don't count the illusi-very real Romano. And himself. But no one notices him anyway so does it really count?

"Really? None of you know?! What about you, tea bastard you raised him right?!" He made sure all the movements and facial expressions matched the tone.

Looks like everyone forgot that only one Italy ever attend meetings. They switch every meeting. Not even Italy himself seemed to remember.

I'm surr- "ounded by idiots!" 'Romano' finished his thoughts. "Ve~ fratello, do you know?"

"Yes, tell us da? Or do you need some slight convincing?"

"N-no! I-I don't know either!"

"Then we just have to find out!" China exclaimed. "Germany don't go on with the plan, we need to find out his specialty. It could be dangerous!" He added.

The nation standing beside him sighed heavily "Fine," he looked up to see a room of chaos "EVERYONE LISTEN UP! WE WON'T BE BANNING AMERICA'S SPECIALTY. INSTEAD, WE WILL FORM A PLAN TO ANALYZE IT." Canada swore his voice could be heard from New Zealand. They were in Mexico City.

Every seemed to agree, yet again.

No one noticed Romano disappeared as soon as he came.

Canada smiled. If you won't be acknowledged as you, then just be someone else.


America stood with his ear to the conference room door.

Specialty? What the hell are they talking about?

Oh well....

He opened the door. Maybe he'll find out.

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