Should I Tell Him..?

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The next few days went by slow. Me and Justin walked around Paris a bit but not to the Eiffel Tower. I feel like I I tell Justin about Sam ill be able to go on a date. Should I tell him..? I have to tell him. I trust him. And he's the one that got me through it in the first place with his songs. Okay come on Ashley. You can do it.

I walked into the bedroom. Justin was on his computer with his earphones in. I smiled at how cute he is when he's focused. I breathed deeply then walked over to him. I sat down on the edge of the bed and waited for him to notice. He looked at me and smiled while shutting his computer and pulling out the earphones. "Hey baby!" he said enthusiastically. I smiled genuinely. But I knew that'd soon disappear. "Hey. Umm Justin?" he looked worried. Which IG he should be. "Umm. I wasn't really yelling at myself for that the other day" he put a hand on my shoulder. "Baby. Lets forget about it. It's not-.." "No! Justin! listen! please.." he removed his hand. "Okay baby go ahead" he said. I breathed and tried to hold in the tears. He put his hand on my leg reassuringly. "Umm I was yelling at myself because I was thinking about someone." "Who?" "I was getting to that. I was thinking about my ex. He's the only other boyfriend I've ever had and.." by now I was crying. He hugged me and told me to take my time. I pulled away and he wiped some tears from my face. I saw he was tearing up too. "Everytime we'd go on a date. Something would go wrong. Usually I'd end up making him mad somehow. And. When we'd get home... he.." i was bawling now. It was horrible. Justin now had tears running down his cheeks. I think he knew where I was going with this. I gathered myself and continued. "He would beat me.. or sexually assault me and I just didn't like the word. 'Date' I'm so sorry!" I bursted out and he crawled over to me and laid down quickly, pretty much throwing his computer off the bed. He laid down, and pulled me into his chest. I was quietly crying into his chest while he was softly petting my hair. It felt so right being here. He was whispering to me in my ear. "Shhh... it's okay baby... I'm here now.. no ones going to hurt you... it's okay.. it's over now... no need to be sorry.." I just had visions of me and Justin the whole time he was talking. All that we had been through on this short journey so far. I might really love him.

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