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HIS FACE WAS red with anger as he told me to sit down. My mother sat at the table, a disappointed look on her face. Shaking, I sat down on the chair and tried to stay calm. Simon's oversized Pepsi jumper hid my hands, the sleeves so long that I could hide in them. My dad sighed loudly, shaking his head as he took a seat.

My dad knows, and you know. I don't know, you're you. I trust you.

"David... what made you think it was okay to invite someone to sleep in our house without asking?" My mother asked, her voice level.

"I- Nothing happened, we're just friends, we..." I stuttered, unable to find words as my dad stared at me.

My dad slammed his fist down on the table, his voice raised as he said,
"David, you're not gay. What are you trying to do, stand out? With that? Do you honestly expect us to believe nothing happened?"

"N-Nothing happened, Dad. I promise."

"You were in your boxers and a hoodie, and his t-shirt was not even covering his stomach. Why were you sleeping together?" He exclaimed, shaking his head.
"David, we've never even met him before!" My mother added, shaking her head angrily.

"We- I- Maybe if you weren't arguing 24/7 you would realise that he's one of my friends! Fuck this." I snapped, screeching the chair back and storming out the door. I ran a hand through my messy hair and pulled my phone out of the pocket of my ripped, ankle grazing jeans.

david: are u back yet?

matt: just got back now. what's up?

david: can i stay at yours

matt: aw david i'd love you to but my fucking cousins are coming over. my mum said no, sorry :(xx

"Fuck." I said to myself, attracting a disapproving look from a passer by. I rolled my eyes slightly and shivered, the wind biting at my skin.

david: k. i'm gonna go to the mall so txt me if ya need anything :)x

Once I reached the doors of the shopping mall, I was enveloped in by the warm central heating. All I had on me was my wallet, containing five pounds and my emergency credit card. My emergency credit card that contains three-hundred pounds. Thinking back to the way my dad had treated Simon and I this morning, I clenched my fists, my fingers curling around the cuff of Simon's sweater.

The first store I saw was Starbucks, and despite my brain screaming don't use the card repeatedly in my head, I headed towards the green coloured cafe and walked up to the counter.
"Hi, what can I get for you today?" A girl asked me, her pastel blue hair and pierced lip making me grin. She looked a couple of years older than me, maybe eighteen or nineteen.

"Umm," I pondered, my eyes flirting over the options, "I'll have a Pumpkin Spiced latte with whipped cream, please."

I suddenly thought of Simon, and how kind he had been to me last night. It would be nice if I surprised him with a coffee, right? After walking all the way to my house, looking after me and being told off by my dad, it was the least I could do.

"Make that two, actually." I added, smiling warmly.

She grinned and replied,

"David, and- and Simon." I stuttered, handing her the money. Just the action of saying his name making my cheeks turn red.

Turning her back on me, clad in a bottle green apron, she began pouring all different mixtures into the blender and I let my mind wander back to this morning, that split second where I woke up with a boy's arms around me and felt so safe. I didn't understand how it was possible for me to spend five hours getting ready and not look half as good as he does when he wakes up.

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