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DRAGGING ON THE cigarette as I sighed, I inhaled the toxic substance and blew out grey rings of smoke into the air. The sky was charcoal coloured, and a few drops of rain were falling from the sky and patting onto the pavement.

The arguing between my parents hadn't stopped, it had only gotten worse. Every night since last Monday, I would find myself texting Simon but not telling a soul about it. I hadn't even told Matt, it was sort of like my own little friendship that no one else could get involved in.

The Saturday night buzz was forming round us as I leant against the side of a beach hut. Jimmy frowned at me as I lit up my third cigarette in the last hour.

"What's up with you? You're chaining it tonight." He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"D'you have any beer?" I replied, ignoring his question. I ran a hand through my hair. Anything to distract me or keep me busy from home would be amazing.

"David," Jimmy warned, rolling his eyes, "I don't drink. You don't drink."

"I was just asking, fuck." I muttered, before making an excuse about having to be home. He retorted a 'whatever' under his breath and headed towards his house. Trudging the short five minute walk back to my house, I shrugged my shoulders deeper into my black sweater and ripped blue jeans as the weather was chilling, causing small goosebumps to appear along my arms.

Soon I was inside the warmth of my house, the fire enveloping me into a cosy atmosphere until I heard the raised voices of my parents in the dining room as they ate dinner. Did they realise that it was 9:23pm and that my curfew was twenty-three minutes ago? No, of course they didn't. They didn't even raise their heads as I avoided the lounge and stormed up the stairs, loudly slamming my door and hoping they would realise I was home.

david: heyy

I grabbed my physics text book out of my school satchel, and was about to open the chapter we'd been set for homework, when my phone buzzed.

simon: hey. how's everything?

The usual smile crept onto my lips as I replied,

david: boring. matt's out of town for the weekend and jimmy is pissed off with me cause i asked if he had any drinks. you?

simon: i'd be a lot better if you came to my place? it's boring here and my dads got some random woman in his room. there's nothing to do but listen to them fuck. come entertain me?

I stared at the message in shock. Was this some kind of joke? He wanted me to come round to his house and speak to him in person? Just as my fingers hovered over the keyboard, about to type, my phone buzzed again.

simon: after rereading the message i just sent, i now realise that it sounds like i've invited you to come listen to my dad fuck someone. that was not my intentions. ha ha. x

I blinked and let a small chuckle fall out of my lips, quickly typing back,

david: that's a shame. the only reason i was considering coming was the fact that i would be able to listen to your dad... is it still worth coming over or should i just watch the videos he's sent to me under the covers again..?

I hoped my message made him laugh. It may have been pushing it a little as we'd only ever spoken once in person but I shrugged the thought of.

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