Prom!Part 6 (Jelsa)

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Elsa's POV

Jack and I were walking down Mer's drive way when he covered my eyes."Hay,what's this for?"I asked giggling."Just trust me."he whispered into my ear which gave me shivers down my spine."Ok."I said.

We walked through some obstacles."Ok,we're here."he said and toke he's hands away from my eye."WOW!"I said.

In front of me was and horse drown ice carriage.My jaw dropped."What don't you like it?"Jack asked.I turned to face him not minding that my jaw is still wide open."Are you kidding me,this...this is amazing!"I said and throw myself into his arms.

We broke away from the hug and stepped into the carriage.What the?the carriage is ice cold.Lukkly I don't get cold.

The driver drove us to the entrance to Prom.We got out of the carriage and all eyes were on us."Jack,every one is staring at us."I said as I toke his arm."They're not staring us.They're staring at my beautiful girlfriend."he whispered into my ear.I blushed and we walked in.

It was so beautiful.There were different seasons were you take your Prom pics.The Prom comity went all out this year."Wow the Prom comity went all out this year."Jack said.I looked up at him because he is tall than me even though I am wearing heels."Did you just read my mind because I was thinking the exact same thing?"I asked.

He chuckled."No.I guess we just think alike.Come on let's go and take a picture."He said and pulled me to my favorite season...
.winter.He stood behind me and raped his arms around my waist and I put my hand onto of he's.


The photographer toke the photo and told us we will get it at school Monday morning.W e went to the dance floor and sow the gang I ran to the girls and were all hugged."Do you lady's want something to drink?"Hiccup asked.We nodded and the guys left.

"So I see that y'all made up."I said and they all blushed.The guys came back and gave us our drinks.We thanked then then went to the dance floor to dance.

We danced for like 6 minutes when the principal Mr Smith went on stage.He tapped the microphone to check if it was on and it made an excruciating noise."Sorry students.I hope that your all having a great time but it's time to announce the Prom King and Queen!"he exclaimed.Every one cheered.

"Now as you all know voting for the Prom king and queen has been going on for the past 3 weeks so..."

"Just say who won!"the entire ensemble shouted."Ok,Ok.This years Prom King is...
. Jackson Overland Frost!"he exclaimed.Jack was shocked,in fact he was froze."Jack you won go up there!"I said pushing him up the stairs.He reserved a flower crown and a sash."Great,Elsa must be the Queen then."a hater said.I just brushed it off.

My New Amazing Life (Jelsa)❄حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن