Chapter 36 | Flashback

ابدأ من البداية

'And what is it I am going to do, Dad?'

'Something stupid.' He placed his hand on my head.

'I have to.'

I began to make loud screaming noises and shooting bullets into the air. Daryl stood there, like a numb thumb, he clearly didn't know what to say or do.

'Aurora stop!' Rick yelled. I had caused a scene. Brilliant.

'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?' Carl joined in.


I pulled the fence chain out and dragged the fence along. I looked at the group, everybody's face read fear and shock. I immediately regret this decision. I'm the monster, i'm insane.

Who am I?

'CARL!' I yelled before I made my exit. He looked at me with sorrowful eyes. 'I DON'T LOVE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!' I let a tear fall and grabbed Daryl's hand.

We headed for the cut in the fence I had made when we all arrived. We exited safely. Not a word was spoken, not a sound was made, Daryl just followed my lead.

'Why are you rolling your eyes? You're the one who ditched us, left us to die!' His cheeks looked red and saw from him keep wiping the tears off of them. 'You told me you hated me.'

'I didn't mean it. I was mad.'

'You were so mad you wanted to kill me.' Carl coughed.

'No, I never intended to kill you, I knew you could sort it out, you're strong like that.' I left a straight face.

'You didn't think I was strong then.' He just kept twisting my words. 'As I was saying, I needed you.'

'You didn't if you all got out safely.' I pointed out the obvious. Why am I being so witty?

'I don't mean then, if i'm honest I want to forget about that incident all together. The care home was a big mishap that shocked us all, but we are building back up from it.'

'Why do you keep saying you needed me?' I ignored Carl's point of view.

He seemed to have stopped crying while we were talking about how I didn't mean what happened at the care home, but as soon as I repeat his phrase he burst out in hysterics again.

'Why are you crying again?' I asked the obvious.

'Do you know what today is?' Carl blurted.

'Thursday?' I tried to make him laugh, but it was the wrong time.

'It's a year since Mom.' He bowed his head.

'I-I, how do you know?'

'I kept count.' He sobbed some more.

'I've let her down.' I let a tear fall. Stay strong.

'No, no Aurora you haven't.' He quickly shuffled to me and held my hands. 'I needed you when we were alone in the woods, I was wrong, I did need you to survive, I was the one that needs you. We're a team. I need my Mom all the time, but the thing is she is still here. Although it's hard to think that it's been five hundred and twenty five billion, nine hundred and forty eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty six minutes since I last saw her at one am this morning, I know she was still with me that whole time.'

'You really counted huh?' He had put a smile on my face.

'I don't lie. You and her, you're both perfect to me and are the people I give my heart too, which is why I can't loose you again. I should never have lost Mom.' He began to close his eyes. 'Listen. You hear the wind? I like to think it's Mum humming a tune to me to keep me sane, but nobody is sane anymore. I needed you, because she is no longer around, you are all I care for. My Dad, Yeah his my Father, but he seriously is off his head. I don't know who he is anymore.'

'I don't know who I am anymore.' I whispered. 'I think about Lori everyday, "What would Lori say?" "Is Lori happy about this?", stupid things really. She sure has missed a whole lot of stuff. When I told you I hated you and ran off, I didn't mean it, I hated myself not you. I kept wondering if Lori hated me or if she could read my thoughts on why I did it or the fact that I really did love you.' I sighed. 'I needed you too. When I saw you, the amount of emotions that built up inside off me was ecstatic, we can never be apart again, I was starting to go insane.'

'You were already insane.' Carl laughed. His eyes were blood shot, but no more tears were seen.

'I guess I was.' I half smiled, which, for some reason, caused Carl to fall backwards laughing.

The laughing was calm no pain was heard in his voice.



'Am I happy person?'

'You smile a lot, so yeah. Why?' He now looked serious.

'I smile a lot, it's not real.'

'Wait before you say anything else I need to tell you something!' Carl loudly interrupted. 'Earlier I yelled at you saying that "I did what I did because of you".' I nodded as he spoke, watching his every action.

He rolled up his sleeves to his forearms.

'I'm s-s sorry, I had nothing, you left me.'

'Carl you idiot. I love you so much.' I cradled him, placing his head on my shoulder and stroking my fingers through is hair. He whimpered and moaned, rocking backwards and forwards, as he wrapped his arms around mine. 'Promise me, never again.'

'Never again, I promise.' He whispered. 'I love you too.' He blinked slowly.

'We, You, I, Dad, Rick, Maggie, Glenn and Erika, should all leave, we have each other now, we don't need any other individual!' I pepped up, trying to change the mood.

'Erika and Kayden are together, she won't want to go.' Carl raised his head. 'I don't want him coming either.'

'I'm not leaving Erika, i've told her way too much, she is like my diary.'

'She is great, don't get me wrong, but i'm not too sure after Kayden.'

I shrugged my shoulders at his statement.

'Carl, listen to me now.'

'I'm listening.'

'I need you.'

Almost Lover | TWD | C.Gحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن