Chapter 27 | It was as if he planned it out.

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'We'll do it all, everything, on our own.

We don't need, anything, or anyone.

. . .

If I lay here, If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told, before we get too old. Show me a garden that's bursting into life.

All that I am, all that I ever was. Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see.

I don't know where, confused about how as well. Just know that these thing's will never change for us at all.'


'Where can I possibly start?' I still kept my eye contact on Daryl, making sure he was listening, making sure I had his full attention. 'The letter she wrote, may give off mixed messages. I haven't done anything wrong, if any of you think that, I just bonded with somebody. Yes, that bonding became strong and it may have been misinterpreted to Carol herself. I wasn't taking Daryl from her, nor was I even thinking about doing that. There wan't a single moment Daryl didn't worry about her, didn't wish she was with us or even just him. He wanted her around all the time and it is partly my fault that they didn't get to talk when they wanted to, but I don't think that would of made a difference as to whether we would be here today or not. She wanted to leave, she couldn't take it anymore and she sure as hell didn't want Daryl slowing down just because of her. I know all of this, i'm not thick and Carol certainly trusted me, she just never told me. I could tell she was struggling more than she was, earlier this week, and this confirmed my thoughts. She was a wonderful and caring lady, she just didn't have anything left in her. She was a fighter and anyone who can proceed with killing themselves are the bravest people to have ever walked this Earth.' I turned around finally braking our eye contact and bent down next to her grave. 'Tell Sophia I say hey.' I mumbled and walked to the back of the crowd.

I said all I wanted to. Nothing more needed to be added.

Everyone, one by one, went up to Carol and said their final goodbye's. Like I said, nothing more needed to be said, so I headed back to the house with the people who thought the same as I. Carl was a meter or so in front of me and I wasn't risking anything yet, or even a few more hours for that matter.

It was already nine p.m and I was getting this strange feeling in my stomach, kind of like I keep swallowing heavy rock's and they're landing on top of each other. Nerves.

I know that if mine and Carl's first midnight together is done with a clean sweep tonight, it's possible to do it every night form then on. I do hope it works.

. . .

It was now midnight. Only Maggie, Glenn, Erika and Carl were still awake. Me and Carl sat furthest apart, not even a glimpse at each other was made.

'You going to bed now?' Carl asked, he sounded so impatient.

'Planning on going anywhere? You are so eager for us to leave.' Glenn joked. followed by Maggie laughing. We all stayed quiet. Thank God they were only joking.

'Oh fine, we'll be off to bed now then.' Maggie said in between laughs.

All of our head's followed them both up the stairs and into their room.

The door clicked.

I pushed myself up from my chair and looked at Carl. He had a cheesy smile visible. I began to run out and off of the porch and turned left. I turned my head to look if Carl was behind me, but as I did so he passed me and laughed. I sighed and tried to catch up to him.

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