Chapter 3 | '-coffufled mess?'

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I made eye contact with the new addition to the group in front of us. The eye contact lasted only a few short seconds as my shyness got the better of me and my head shot back into position of staring at the wooden floor boards beneath my feet.

I couldn't help but think about how our eyes clicked together in such a sharp manor. I didn't even pay attention to the way the figure looked, their eye's just took over mine.

I forgot about the begging women now on the floor with her arms draped around Hershel's leg, rubbing her teary eyes onto his trouser's. I felt awful, but yet again my shyness stop's me from doing such things I desire.

"Your names?" Hershel asked pulling the lady up off of the ground and standing directly face to face with her. It took her a second to take in the simple question until she spoke.

"I'm Lori, Lori Grimes," She began starting to turn her body towards the group, "That is Glenn.."' pointing to the Korean guy who seemed to still look lost and unsure. "That is Daryl and Carol." She then added pointing to the toned man on the bike, who saluted Hershel when Lori said his name, and the I was guessing Carol was the lady with her eyes still closed on Daryl's back. "And that's Carl, my son." She finished.

I finally got the courage to look up at Carl, who I was also guessing was Mr Eye Contact from earlier on. I moved my eyes to the left, just about looking at him under my eyelashes, avoiding any eye contact. He was staring at his Mom and Hershel with depth, taking in every action, word or movement any of them made. He looked taller than me and about my age, he had long dark brown hair, which swept to the side of his face and flicked out of the sides. He also wore a sheriff hat, which I then began to question in my head. So many questions. He was wearing rather dirty skinny jeans and an atomic paw shirt. I giggled to myself as I have the same shirt in dark blue. Maggie nudged me as to tell me to be quiet.

"Well, Lori. You can camp out here for a few nights while you look for him. I am happy for you to do so and I will give you any food, supplies or help you need during your stay." Hershel tells her.

'Supplies?' Just go to the supermarket? I thought to myself.

I thought that Hershel had a good idea, but I couldn't help but think, why can't they ask the police to help them find her husband? Everything was so unclear to me.

Lori 'over- thanked' Hershel and ran to her group starting to set up their things. A look of confusion was all that was clear on my face. Maggie turned to me.

"Darlin'? You look ever so confused?" She say's putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Mag's, I am. I mean, all of my questions are still un answered, so i'm an all around-" Maggie cut me off,

"-cofuffled mess?" I let out a lil' giggle at her choice of words and nodded. "Well c'mon, now that we know what's going on and you've met Daddy and Beth, maybe i'll answer some of those burning questions." She said with a bright white smile. Before I could answer I was already half way up the house's stair case and being led to what I assumed was Maggie's room.

I entered just after Maggie, who was already sitting on the edge of her bed signalling for me to join her. I sat next to her slowly and looked at my hands. I began to nervously mess with my nails and pick the horrible bits of dead skin from around them.

"So these question's?" Maggie asked looked me dead in the eye's with a serious expression.

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