Chapter 1 | a tiny fence.

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Stretching my arms above my head, a breeze gushed through my hair making it flow out to the sides. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, squinting at the bright light that was on the other side of my eyelids. I dropped my arms above my head and brought them back to the sides of my body in a semi-circle line. As i brushed my hands across the ground below me I didn't feel fresh sheets, or any kind of blankets for that matter. I pressed my eyes tight shut ready to open them and focus on my surroundings. When I released my eyelids I saw crisp blue sky and very few clouds. Finally making the rather silly realization:

I'm no longer in my bedroom, or a house for that matter.

I sat up breathing heavily through my mouth, sharply turning my head from left to right taking in the tall tree's and bright green grassy fields, I was currently sitting up in. A loud flapping noise came from above so I swiftly turned my head noticing a bird fly from one tree and off into the East. My mind was a little confused at this moment in time. I went to grab my phone to check the time, but as I went to reach down for my phone from my pocket, I had nothing. I sat there studying my skinny ripped jeans and cargo boots, knowing I didn't go to bed wearing these. I then took it upon my self to stand up and look at myself a bit more. I pushed my self of the dampish grass brushing my self off of any dirt I may have on me. I looked down at the top half of my body. I was wearing a coral 'long at the back, short at the front' floaty top with a closely coloured strappy vest underneath. I couldn't help but notice I had nothing keeping me warm, my arm's were completely bare. I shivered at the thought. I pulled my dark brunette hair over the left side of my shoulder. I admired the fact it was not straight, just naturally wavy and lying there with nothing to it at all. I couldn't bare to think what my face must look like. Then another question flashed my mind, which you would think would be the first thing I would of thought right now:

Where the hell am I?

Out of sheer panic I began to run through the wood's un aware of where I was even heading to. My breathing became panting as I slowed down letting my thoughts overwhelm me a bit to much. I looked ahead of me, seeing a small opening through the tree's so I ran to it. The wind pushing my hair off my face never felt so good in my life. When I reached the opening I pushed a few branches out of the way that was covering what looked like the exit. When I had stepped out of the tree's I stood at the top of a large field. I squinted my eyes, trying to focus on anything in front of me. I soon spotted a tiny fence about 200 meters in front of me. A part of me knew I should go there knowing it may give me some answers on where the hell I am, so I followed that thought and before I could think my legs were carrying me forward. I must have lost track of time while running, because I reached the fence rather quick. I froze in complete shock at the beautiful country house in front of me.

Not taking my eyes off of the building, I climbed the fence and walked towards it. I reached just in front of the steps that led up to the porch. I was about to take a step up when I heard coughing coming from the right side of the porch.

My head shot in that direction.

"Can I help you Missy?" I soft voice asked me . I couldn't really see the person asking me the question, but I could tell it was a women by the voice.

"Y-Yes please, i'm not really sure where I am or how I even got here. I'm looking for alot of answers and maybe, possibly some help on solving some of those answers." I answer her politely, proud of how I answered in such a formal and sensible manor.

"What's your name darlin'?" she asked as she revealed herself in front of me. She was beautiful I must admit, She had just a few inches of hair, but that suited her just fine. She was an average height for a women of her age.

"I'm Maggie. There's no need to be alarmed, I think I can help you." She states. I must have been staring for a while if she felt the need to add to her sentence.

"Rory. My names Rory m'aam." I said looking down.

"Rory? Is that short for something?" She asked nicely, trying not to sound rude.

"Yes," I added, "Aurora." I said cringing at my name.

"Now that is one pretty name, but i'm guessing you don't like being called that huh?" She asked gently nudging my shoulder and smiling welcomingly.

"Not really, Rory's nice. I like it." I say smiling back, feeling a lil' more comfortable around Maggie.

"Well Rory, come inside we can talk more in there and maybe I can explain what you need explained to you, ay?" She states holding her hand out for my to grab.

I gently hold her hand and she leads me inside.

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