The two were King Fugaku Uchiha and Mikoto Uchiha of the Raven's Shire kingdom. With power that rivaled even the Uzumaki's. 

The Uchiha and Uzumaki families had been at each other's throat for as long as time could tell. Rivalry seemed to pass down from generation to generation, but peace was settled amongst the once warring kingdoms. Thanks to the efforts of the four that stood there. For friendship had blossomed in places that once held hate towards the other.

No one there doubted that the newly born children that were being cared for back at their respective castles would be the greatest of rivals yet the best of friends. The parents could already see it.

In another part of the room, a group of six stood in an awkward circle type shape. The Royals of the Shadow's Peek kingdom held themselves with grace despite the king's slight slouch that his wife had nearly slapped him for. Shikaku Nara, the king, saw no reason to be so formal in the presence of his longtime friends but alas Yoshino Nara, was his wife and the queen. There was never room for argument with her, especially when her way had a slight tendency to lean towards the violent side.

And the list simply continues name after name of high-ranking individuals. You would not have enough time to name them all.

But what could be so important that so many kings and queens would come together like they were that day?

With all the kingdoms, war easily broke out between two or more of them. The others forced to take a side which never ended well. So long ago it was deemed necessary that someone must rule over all the of them. This person was known as the Lord. Lord Kizashi Haruno. The nobles were currently gathered at the Lord's very palace and home. It came customary that once every year that kingdoms would come to a gala held by the Lord himself as a way to maintain peace. For it was sacred land and even during times of war all would gather under a banner of truce.

But that was not the case. For the gala was held six months ago and was scheduled to be held this coming August.

So why had Lord Haruno summon all of them?

It was to celebrate the birth of his heir. His wife, Mebuki, had given birth to a beautiful girl that will one day take his place as the Lord of these lands.

And speaking of the Lord, it was at that moment that he had decided to make his entrance. With smooth movements, he entered onto the balcony that overlooked the large ballroom. All chatter had stopped upon the arrival of the Lord.

The white-haired man looked down at them with his icy blue eyes, a warm smile that he was known for blossomed on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to personally thank you for being here today. It truly is an honor to see so many faces here. As you all know today is a very special day. Not even two days ago my beloved wife had gone into labor and gave birth to a child. A daughter who will take my place once she is old enough".

His voice was as powerful as it always was. But today his expression came more tender as he mentioned his newly born daughter. A sense of happiness that only a father could feel had washed over him. Never before had he thought about having children even though it was a necessary to continue his bloodline. But when he was informed of his wife's pregnancy, a new set of emotions had filled his being.

"She was born on March 28th, a day that will be forever remembered even long after my time. And I proudly announce that her name will be-"


The sound of an explosion echoed in the large space, shaking the very building. Gasps and screams could be heard from the guests who had begun to panic. The guards had gathered around the Lord at the sound of the possible threat.

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