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"Oi! [Y/N]!" Chuuya yelled.

I turned around slowly as I heard my blue eyed superior walk up to me hastily in anger. I was sitting on in the lounge area. I gave him a confused look as he got closer. Before I could ask him anything, he beat me to it.

"Why is that bastard partner of mine telling me that you two are together?" He asked angrily.

I stood up and smiled. Chuuya was actually so adorable when he was angry. We were about the same height, and I honestly wasn't that tall. I pulled him into an unexpected hug.

"It's so hard for us short people not to look adorable while we're angry." I said quietly, giving him a small squeeze.

I pulled away to look at Chuuya's face. His expression was still angry but the blush across his cheeks said otherwise. I pinched his cheeks and silently cooed at his adorableness. I loved Chuuya, platonically, so I became pretty comfortable speaking out my thoughts to him.

"Yes, we are together." I sighed, letting go of Chuuya.

"Why?" Chuuya asked in disgust.

"Because I really.. like him." I shrugged.

Chuuya sighs in disappointment and rolls his eyes. He places a hand on his hip and shakes his head.

"You want to go out with garbage? I expected more from you." He sighs.

I pout at his rude remark and look away in embarrassment. I start to remember the first time I had talked to Dazai. I let out a small laugh.

"Dazai told me that he was your lover." I laughed.

"What?" Chuuya asked, a look of pure disgust on his face. "Gross. I have higher standards, thank you very much. But.. why would he say that?"

"He was asking me questions about you that I wouldn't answer because he wasn't in any sort of close relationship with you. So he tried to tell me that you two were a thing." I replied. "Wait." I gasped, a realization coming to mind, "Are you indirectly saying that you have some sort of interest in men?"

A smile forms on my face as I stare into Chuuya's eyes. He scoffs and turns around walking away.

"Chuuya, Answer me!" I say, running up behind him.

I jump onto his back and he grunts, instantly getting a hold of me, giving me a piggy back ride. I smile as I rest my head on his shoulder. He lets out a sigh of annoyance and relief.

"[Y/N]! At least warn me when you're going to do that." He mutters.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go eat." I sigh happily.

Chuuya carries me out of the Mafia. We pass by Dazai who stops us shoots us a disapproving look. Chuuya hisses at him and continues walking past him. I wink back at Dazai as we walk towards the exit. Dazai follows behind us.

"Chuuya, where are you taking her?" He asks.

"Lunch. Now leave us alone." Chuuya snaps.

"Let's get something spicy." I suggest.

"You know what, that sounds like a good idea." He beams. "Dazai's such a bitch when it comes to spicy food -just throwing that out there." He shrugs.

"HEY! That is not true!" Dazai shouts behind us. "Give me back my girlfriend."

"Yeah, I'll do that when you can give me back my peace." Chuuya shouts before turning the corner. "So damn annoying all the time. I've dealt with his ass for 15 years. I still wonder everyday why I haven't killed him yet."

Emotions [Dazai x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя