Chapter 1

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Alfred slipped his jacket on, excited for his first day of his junior year of high school. "Mattie!! Are you almost ready or what?!" His brother Matthew stumbled out of the bedroom, pulling on a shoe.

He raised an eyebrow at his American brother. "How are you already ready, Alfie? You're always the late one!" Alfred smiled widely.

"I have football practice, remember? Then we've got band at 7:30!"

Matthew sighed and rolled his eyes. "Well, you're driving. I'm still half asleep."

  Alfred shrugged. "I hope you like going 50 miles per hour in a 20." Matthew glared at him. "If you get us a ticket, I'm killing you. No, actually, dad will kill you." Alfred simply snickered and sauntered into the kitchen. "Morning dad, morning Papa," he muttered as he searched through the pantry for something quick to eat before football practice.

His dad Arthur and his papa Francis looked over at Alfred. Francis frowned slightly.

  "Alfred, I'm making breakfast!", he protested, gesturing to the poptart that Alfred had just pulled out of the pantry.

  Alfred shrugged and opened the wrapper. "Sorry Papa! I don't have time to eat a big meal." Francis sighed and pouted, with Arthur simply rolling his eyes.

  Alfred stuck the poptart into his mouth just as Matthew walked in. "Mathieu! You'll take a plate, oui...?", Francis said, holding out a plate of crêpes to the quieter of the two twins.

  "Sure, Papa," he said while grabbing the plate.

  "C'mon dude, take the plate with you or something," Alfred grumbled, already walking towards the door. He grabbed his backpack off of the table in the hall and slung it over his shoulder, opening the front door. "Later dads!", he hollered as he hurried to the car and hopped into the driver's seat. Matthew quickly followed, jumping in the car beside him.

  As Alfred backed out of the driveway, he smiled at Matthew. "You excited for it junior year?!?", he asked gleefully.

  "You have poptart stuck in your teeth."

  Alfred stuck his middle finger up and ran his tongue over his teeth, and the two brothers snickered.

  "Seriously dude, you excited?"

  "Yeah, I guess so," Matthew said, looking out the window. "But I'm-"

  "NICE TURN SIGNAL, PRICK!!", Alfred screamed at the car in front of him, receiving a glare from Matthew. "Whoopsies, sorry Mattie. You were saying?"

  Matthew sighed. "I was saying that I'm not exactly glad to be back in school. I already miss summer."

  Alfred shrugged. "I dunno, I got bored with doing nothing." Matthew raised his eyebrow. "Who are you?", he asked his brother in a dramatic voice. Alfred snickered.

  "Really dude! I got tired of laying around and-"

  "And playing video games all day?"

  "Well... okay, I'll miss that part."

Matthew laughed as Alfred pulled into the school parking lot. "You're weird, Al."

"And that was really random," Alfred replied in a mocking tone. Matthew shrugged and unbuckled his seat belt. "I'll have lots of fun sitting in the band hall on my phone while you sweat to death on the practice field."

Alfred glared at his brother. "Yeah, I'm sure you will." He playfully punched his brother in the shoulder. "See you at band, my dude."

  "See ya."

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