I love you's

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"Wake up we're here". Jack said kissing my cheek

I curled up hiding myself and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my phone to see it was 10 pm I forgot that there would be a time delay. I grabbed my bag and my phone and started to move slowly off the plane.
Jack took my bag and helped me into the car. I scrolled through my phone to see multiple missed calls and texts from people I didn't want to see, my dad and my brother.

Chris🙃- call me now...

Chris🙃- Chloe I have some explaining to do

Out of anger a called him and put the phone to my ear

"What the fuck do you want". I said.

"I'm sorry". He said softly

"I don't give two shits if you're sorry Christopher, you lied to me, you called me useless, you kicked our own mother out of her house... you... you fucked every thing up, you said I wasn't your sister anymore you hurt me". I said

"I wasn't being serious". He said

"Whatever, get rid of my number if you need something from me don't expect anything back, Mom is living with me cause she's homeless, probably hungry, and only has the Jeep". I said

The boys started to come into the car and lowered there voices as they saw me on the phone.

"Don't contact me, Don't contact my friends, don't follow me on any social media, I'm fucking done with you". I said

"Whatever, fucking whore, can't take apologies".

"Oh, I'm the whore, I'm that bitchy twin sister that has the perfect twin brother and he doesn't do anything wrong right, doesn't fake family deaths, doesn't call girls useless, news flash Christopher you're a dick, who doesn't care about anything or any one but his self, good bye". I said hanging up.

I brought my earbuds out and my laptop and rested my head on Jacks shoulder.

"Who was that?"  Jack asked

"No one important to me". I mumbled.

I plugged my earbuds into my phone and played Drive in by Pierce The Veil.

"They are joining us on tour to the U.K". Jack said pulling my ear bud out

"I love them". I said

Jack kissed my lips as I weakly kissed him back.

"Oh baby". He said holding my hands.

"Now now Jack". I said

He stayed silent and kissed my head.


"Okay, here's your key, be up at 10 we're going to a festival, jack has a DJ thing to do at night tomorrow, next day we have interviews, then we perform then we go to another festival we leave the next morning to California, you and Jack leave to Baltimore". Rian explained.

"Alright good night". I said throwing the key on the desk.

"Can we talk about who you were on the phone with in the car, do I have to beat a kid up?"  He laughed

"It was my brother, we are not seeing eye to eye right now." I Said plugging my chargers in.

Jack grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry, today has been kind of shitty". I laughed

"It's fine, don't be". He said.

"I love you, just incase you forgot". I said pushing him onto the bed.

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