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My cuddle session turned into a nap session.

Justin and Jenna helped them self out and left us alone.

"How do you feel?"  He asked me

"I really don't wanna feel anymore". I said taking another drag.

"I'm so sorry Chloe". He said holding my hand tightly.

"Pack your shit we're leaving". Chris said busting the door open.

"I'm not going alone". I said

"I said we're, not you". He said ripping the suitcase out of my closet.

"What the hell".

"I never fucking met this woman, my own Fucking mother, our mother, she's fucking dead and you're making out with a guy that I don't approve of, smoking Weed instead of talking to your brother". He cried out.

"We all have ways of getting over someone, mine is smoking". I said taking another drag.

"You're a fucking Bitch". He said

"I get that a lot". I said laughing.

"Whatever don't go to her funeral, I won't care". He said.

"Then I won't, never try to find me ever again, once you walk away, you're not my brother anymore". I said

"No wonder why dad wanted me instead of you". He said yelling and slamming the door.

I burnt the bud on a ash tray and sat up in my bed.
I felt a tear or two roll down from my eyes.

"Come here Chloe". Geoff said.

I crawled into his lap as I let tears rundown my cheek. 

"Look at me". He said

"I love you, so much, he's a dick if I'm being honest, now do I think you should go to her funeral, yes, but I can tell you're uncomfortable". Geoff said wiping away my tears.

I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"I can't go anyway, my family is ashamed of me, my mom was the only person who understood me". I said looking at him.

"I want you to go shower, get the weed off you put on you'r favorite t-shirt and jeans, were gonna go over to my old house."  He said smiling.

"My mom would have liked you". I said softly as another tear ran down my face. 

"If she was caring, beautiful, and kind hearted like you, I love her already". He said smiling.

"When are we going over?" I asked

"Probably at 5". He said.

"I have time, I just don't want to move right now". I said
Looking it his eyes.

"Just wanna sit and talk?". He asked pulling me closer.

I nodded my head and have him a tight hug.

"Don't leave me". I said softly

"I won't babygirl, I won't". He said holding my head.

I let out quiet sobs onto Geoff's chest. He held me tighter and rocked me back and forth.

"When I was in 9th grade I quit volleyball, and my mom was so pissed at me she didn't talk to me for a week, she called me a disappointment, that's the only time I really hated her". I said softly.

"Why'd you quit". He asked me

"13-15 were my lowest downs on myself, I was fat like a sumo wrestler". I said letting a chuckle out.

Stupid For You || Geoff Wigington ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon